chapter 49

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six months later....

nea pov

didnt realize how good a time we had until we were on a plane headed back. he had fallen asleep against my shoulder a while ago so it was pretty much just me. we enjoyed sooo many things. got quite a few souvenirs for the friends back home. weather was perfect everyday. it was perfect when it rained because we had wanted to stay in the room that day and read a book. perfect when it was sunny because we had planned to go to some tourist spots. sooo many activities. so much laughter. so many pictures. a few....videos. my face felt hot. the laptop i bought will have to be locked tight. only for me and my husband's eyes. all felt right with the world.

he kissed me. "im gonna head home to catch up with the guys. let me know how your checkup goes...unless you want me to come with?" he grinned, tugging at my jeans. "no, no. its no big deal. just the check up us old guys have to get regularly to make sure we are running smoothly," i assured him. he chuckled. "no getting freaky with the doctor, ok babe? the prostate exam is a medical procedure. only one who is playing with it for pleasure is moi," he warned, a goofy grin on his face. "just go. ill see you later," i pushed him away jokingly. "see ya later! love ya!" he waved and was out the door. i sighed. i wish such things were really a laughing matter. today is a check up. that much is true, but i wish it were under more positive circumstances. it was time to head to the doctor's office.

it was always uncomfortable having someone else inside me other than my husband. the finger wasn't skill full at all. "well i do have good news for you, mr campbell..." the doctor started. i pulled my gown in place and sat back on the exam table. "...right now, the cancer seems dormant. there is no protrusions that i could feel. im glad you have been taking the hormones as you should. if things were able to stay like this, im sure the cancer would completely disappear in....say, maybe six more months. unfortunately, that wont be the case. because of the position you take when being with your husband, its very likely you could agitate the still forming tumor, causing cancerous cells to spread throughout the prostate and potentially throughout your body. this isn't meant to deter you from enjoying sex while you are still healthy. im letting you know the risk. from the x-rays, the tumor is still relatively small and shouldn't pose a problem for you.....right now...." i did not like the sound of that. "right now? its gonna cause a problem in the future," he stood up and dug through some drawers. he pulled out a diagram of the prostate with cancer. "right now you are in stage one. thankfully this stage is usually the longest. no symptoms are shown until you reach stage two. in stage two, the tumor has grown large enough to shift the prostate. while it wont hurt on a day to day basis, certain actions can cause discomfort and mild to moderate pain," he explained. "such actions like what?" i asked. "in stage two, you might experience pain when urinating as well as having to urinate more frequently. this happens because the tumor had grown big enough to shift the bladder, pushing it towards your abdomen. stage three of the progression will probably be the most heart wrenching for you," he said. i sighed. "at stage three, the tumor has grown large enough to move the prostate out of place, per se. this means that you may experience pain when doing certain movements. bending over, twisting, or otherwise exerting your back and anal muscles. at this point, its suggested that you dont do any lower body exercises. another thing that you will experience is moderate to severe pain during heavy bowel movements. at this point, i would advise laxatives on a near daily basis and would probably prescribe some pain medicine. at stage three, your position when being with your husband will be come much more painful. from the stretching of your anus, i can tell he must be pretty big. he does take care to avoid tearing which is always good but abuse of the prostate when you've reached stage three would likely cause you to pass out from the pain. the determined can dope themselves up on pain medicine but once it wears off, well you wont be able to pass out so you will fully experience the pain. i would advise you talk to your husband immediately so that he may be prepared when that time comes," he put the papers away.

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