chapter 39

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the next day....

reader pov

i cant say that was one of my proudest moments. i with the uncle with my very own son in the other room? sure ive had sex in some crazy places, namely with rikei but this is the first time i felt....ashamed about it. im glad the door was locked cause i might've died if my son would have walked in on that. 'what are you doing to uncle nea, daddy?' breaks my heart a little to be honest. do i regret it? no, surprisingly. only thing i wish for was a better location. like a motel or something. whatever. what is done is done. sex was amazing at least. rikei was getting loose and his ass cheeks were always to firm. i couldn't enjoy the jiggle like i could with nea.

enough about sex. im shallow but not that shallow.

what i need to do is figure out how im gonna play this. being with nea while rhode and timothy are living there will be all kinds of awkward. i sighed. ill have to talk to him about it.

me: its gonna be difficult to be with you while rhode and timothy are there

i sent the message. the response was immediate.

nea: my house has 10 bedrooms. not to mention how i hardly ever see them. rhode works alot and leaves timothy in daycare so its usually just me

ok. guess he wasn't lying when he said he was lonely. i dont like the thought of hiding being with nea. i sighed. we are just gonna cross that bridge when we get to it. cant go cursing our relationship when we dont even know if it will work out between us.

me: so....about our date. i dont want anything traditional. im tired of the movie/dinner, the carnival/picnic, and things like that. i want something new

nea: you could spend the night

me: im talking about an actual date.

nea: cant say i get out much because my house is amazing. big tv, big sofa, plenty of food unless you want to order out. plenty of money for that. we could spend time in the pool i never use

me: one major problem with that

nea: what?

me: my baby mom and son live there too. cant say i want to do the family thing right now

it was a few minutes before he messaged back.

nea: she has been talking to me for a while about moving back into her apartment. i was the one who begged her to stay. she did so because i was lonely. now i have you. im sure she wont mind moving out now that i have someone

this could be interesting. im not saying that i dont want this to work out but....if it doesnt, im not gonna force it. i dont want to get too deep for it to only fall apart. im taking a risk here, that's for sure. so is he though. he is dating a much younger guy. probably has every reason in the world why we shouldn't work out yet we are still talking. i can do this. yeah.

me: so whenever you talk to her and she moves out, we can do this date night at your place

nea: actually talking to her now. she is moving out today. probably gone by tonight

well that was fast. of course, we had sex the first day we even met so fast is pretty much the name of the game.

me: well let me know when she is gone. ill be there

You Didn't Ask (Reader x Nea D. Campbell) {D Gray Man}Where stories live. Discover now