chapter 16

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three months later....

reader pov

"i....i dont know how you do it. i mean....its been what? like four months you guys been together. you must be a glutton for punishment," marie took a swig of his beer. "you see, it takes just one person. just one person willing to put in the time, put up with the devil incarnate for some time, just show enough interest to hopefully find that one little tiny minuscule thing about someone that will make it all worth it," i muttered, taking a sip of my beer. i only drink socially but....well at first i thought it was getting better. he hasn't been yelling at me as much. still blames me for everything but has reduced himself to only telling me off in private. he also still thinks im cheating. shit. at this point, i may as well. marie is pretty fucking sexy after all. same height but....more burly? more buff than i am. i dont know if he would go for me, especially since im a top. might be a little awkward. "tsk....i been working for him about five years now and ive yet to see something worth it in that man," he grunted. "what did you do before this?" i asked. he took another swig. he let out a deep breath. "i was pretty much a jack of all trades. took alot of houses and flipped them for a profit. freelance plumbing and electrical work. fixed alot of shit. even did some construction for a while," he said. "and that somehow translated into cello playing for that asshole?" i raised a brow. "it wasn't that bad a deal back then. pay was good and steady. raises every year. get to travel all over the world, meeting all types of people on our time off, which was very rare by the way. i....i thought i would have met someone in all this time but....well i dont know. i dont know what it is about me that scares em away," he muttered before taking another swig. "sure there is something good about ya. in the short time i knew you, id say you have some admirable features," i said. he chuckled. "like what? id love to hear how i could convince someone to go for a guy like me," he grunted. "lots of things. you are peaceful, strong, and really good with your hands. smart, tolerant, easy going. i mean look at us! no one else would be caught dead with me when my boyfriend is sheril, the big boss. you know how many times he's threatened to fire you?" i asked.

" this point i dont even know if i would care any more. its been soo long since i been home. spent the better part of the last five years moving hotels constantly. longest we would settle in one place is about three months. id get a little one bedroom apartment and a car only to have to leave them both and move on with the crew. i got plenty of money saved up but never have time or reason to spend it," he said. "you just need a reason to settle, marie. find you a nice girl who catches ya fancy and move to where she is at. if it dont work out, you can start a new life in that city. your skills will allow you to be all over the city probably every day meeting all types of people," i said. another chuckle. "that might be the problem right there. it might just be because im gay that i cant find a place to stay," he muttered, finishing off his beer. "i dont know why. maybe you arent looking in the right places. did you try the online dating thing?" i asked. "me? online dating? that, ian, was the worst mistake of my life. i tried all the usual spots like eHarmony and they dont do anything for me. i even tried grindr and guyspy, thinking that if im just looking for some good sex then i might stumble upon a person who wants a little more. every single one i met up with ran, ian. they would always say i was too.....big downstairs. i cant help that im a big guy. i dont wanna get fat from trying to drown my sorrows in food so i started working out. next thing i know, i can bench 325. now im solid with damn near no fat on my body. how can i get laid, ian? who is strong enough to take care of a big guy like me?" he grunted, downing a whole glass of beer.

i grinned. "well....we are heading back to my hometown tomorrow morning. you could.....stay in the city" i offered. he looked at me. i just continued to drink. a dark blush came over his face and he looked back at his empty glass. "sheril would fire me for even considering this," he grunted. "fuck sheril. im dumping him as soon as we touch down in my hometown. the question is.....are you willing to come with me?" i asked. he chuckled. "i think i have like 300k in my bank account right now," he thought aloud. "you wont need near that much, especially if its gonna be just you. i also know a place where you could get plenty of work as a handy man," i said. he looked at me again. "you....sure i can come with? i wont know anyone else but you," he said. "looks like ill have a reason to be around often. i could show you around. i got friends who i could intro you too. plenty of things we could do. you in or out? cause i need to get back to the hotel before he threaten to leave us here," i said. "ill.....ill come with you," he said. "great! lets head back to the hotel. i still need to get packed," i got up. he nodded and we headed out.

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