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I made it home and went to my room. I was surprised my aunt wasn't here to hear about my day. I took out my homework sheets and started to do my math homework.

"Harmony get your butt down here now!" I heard my aunt call my name. I ran down stairs to greet her with a hug but instead i got a slap on the arm.

"Whats wrong with you?" I said as i rubbed my arm up and down. I looked at her up and down like she was crazy.

"I just talked to Josh and he said that you broke up with him" Her eyes look at me in shock.

"First off don't hit me please, second off why were you talking to him?, and lastly yes I did"

"What happened?" she asked as she gestured for me to sit down. I looked at her and rolled my eyes. I was defiantly not about to sit down so we could have a three hour conversation about josh.

"Nothing but I'm really tired can't this wait?" I pleaded with my eyes.

"Fine you win. But I have some bad news" She again gestured for me to sit down and this time I couldn't reject. I sat down on the chair next to her and rested my head on my hand.

"What happened now" I asked. She rolled her eyes at me and this is how I knew that this was serious.

"Well I'm going on a trip for a thing at work" She looked,,y,, down at her fingers trying to avoid my eyes.

"No big deal, for how long?" I asked as casual as ever.

"Fortherestofyourschoolyear" She mumbled extra low and really fast.

"What did you say?" I asked getting annoyed. I know she's like my second mother and all but GOD could she be less childish.

"" She said slowly.

"Excuse me............... did I just here I will be free for all my school year?" I smiled in excitement. My aunt gives me a lot of freedom and all but still not all freedom.

"No you didn't hear that. But let me explain." She looked at me for approval and I nodded for her to continue. "Well my boyfriend James will come check on you every other day and don't be worried I trust him. I will call or text you every three hours each day until 12:00. That will be your curfew and James will make sure your in you bed safely. Now don't freak okay I will leave you enough money for you to provide for yourself. Also I will be able to know what you spend and when you spend it so don't think even if James come to check on you and your there you can sneak out and spend stuff at the mall because I will always know" She stood up and walked out without me giving any feedback. I sat there stunned for a second and begun to laugh. This has to be a joke right? I mean I'm a great student and great child and now I'm being punished of being free but not being free. Does that even make sense?

"That's really funny auntie love you for making the joke of the day" I yelled up the stairs.

"Its not a joke" She yelled back. I rolled my eyes still not believing her.


I woke up and stretched my arms out. I checked my phone and I almost had like one hundred texts from josh. I began deleting the texts when I got a text from Tyler. It read:

-Iwillbeatyour homeinaboutahourandahalfsobeready-

I texted back quickly -But school doesn't start until another two and a half hours-

After about five minutes he texted back in all caps.

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