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Harmony POV

"Big head get up" I woke up to Jacob shaking me.

"What?!?" I asked angrily.

"I need a new phone and you said that you would drive me" He whined.

"Take the bus" I said. He pulled the covers off me and picked me out the bed. Then he walked into my bathroom and sat me on the toilet.

"Take a shower and be ready in twenty" He demanded before walking back out. Who is he to tell me what to do?


I got out the shower and got dressed. I figured since I don't have nothing better to do I might as well go. I put my things on and grabbed my keys. "I'm ready" I yelled to Jacob. He ran downstairs and opened the door.

"Finally" He smiled. Once we were driving in the car I turned on some music. AllofmebyJohnLegendwas on. "I hate this song" Jacob said.

"Really? I love this song" I said as I turned it up and sung along. Once we made it to Sprint he jumped out the car. I followed him and entered the store. I started looking around at the phones while Jacob was about to be finished.

"Harmony what do you think of this phone?" Jacob yelled to me. I walked over to him and looked at the phone. It was a black and red Galaxy. I wasn't sure what number it was though.

"Its nice" I shrugged.

"Okay I'll take this one" He said to the clerk. It was about a hour later when they finished the paperwork and transferring all his information to the new phone. We walked out the store and I got hit by this boy on a bike. I fell to the floor and all my stuff fell out my purse. He jumped off his bike and came to my help. Jacob was in the back round laughing.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry" He said as he helped me up.

"Yeah I'm okay bit next time you should try stopping" I chuckled.

"Yeah I'll make a mental note" He smiled as he picked up my stuff. He handed me my purse and phone. "Sorry again......" He waited for my name.

"Harmony" I smiled.

"Well sorry Harmony" He said before getting back on his bike.

"Jacob shut up and drive" I said as I got into the passenger seat. He drove off and we were back at the house in no time. All I wanted to do was go get my babies. "I'm going to get the triplets so I'll see you later big face" I told him as he got out and I got into the drivers seat.

"Thanks big head" He laughed. I drove to my mom house a little to quickly. Once I made it I got out happily to see my children. I knocked on the door and it swung open.

"Hey Harmony" Aaron said.

"Oh hey.............. I'm just here to get my kids" I told him before walking in. I saw my mom cooking in the kitchen and the kids playing with monopoly money. "Hey kids!" I yelled. They looked up and ran to me. "I missed you" I kissed them.

"Mommy uncle took us to Enchanted Castle yesterday" Lonnie said.

"Did he?" I smiled.

"Yes mommy and he told us that he wasn't really our uncle but we could call him that" Lilly smiled.

"Oh really?" I smiled again. My phone rang and I stood up. Swiping the screen I answered it. "Hello?" I said.

"Um hi is this Harmony?" A familiar voice asked.

"Yep" I said.

"I think I got your phone" He said.

"No my phone is in my hand" I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2014 ⏰

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