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I woke up to the smell of fresh soap. When I opened my eyes I was still cuddled to Ty. He smelt like he had just took a shower with my Dove soap. He was sound asleep. He had his arm around my waist and his other hand under his head. I wanted to kiss him so bad. Instead I carefully slipped out of Ty's grip. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I took a shower and when I got out Ty and Nica was still asleep. I could tell that they hardly got sleep at their house. I didnt want to wake them but it was eight o clock and school starts at ten thirty. Since its Thursday we get to start school late. I decided to give them thirty more minutes so I could make break feast. I went down stairs and started to cook some pancakes eggs and turkey bacon. Since I don't eat pork. I had killed twenty minutes and decided to kill the other ten minutes doing homework that I wasn't gonna turn in. About fifteen minutes later I decided I would wake Ty and inform him that I gave them thirty five extra minutes to sleep. I marched upstairs and Ty was already up and ready. He winked at me and picked up the still sleep Nica or Veronica or V or whatever you want to call her. I followed him outside and watched him go to my neighbors house. She answered the door with a huge smile on her face. The old lady took Nica from his arms and closed the door. He walked back over to me and into my house. "What was that?" I asked confused.

"That's was my mother best friend's mother. She use to always watch V when she was really young. Yesterday I saw her husband mowing the lawn when Aaron dropped us off. I figured they moved into the house. She agreed to watch V today since I told her that she didnt have daycare today. Really I just couldn't go get her some clean clothes." He explained. I nodded at his cleverness and walked into the kitchen. He followed me licking his lips. "It smells nice in here" He declared.

"Well I cooked for us and Nica but since she left I guess its more for us" I said. He smiled and grabbed a plate from the cabinet. He got some food and sat out the table. He ate the food so I quick that it almost made me choke. Once he and I was finished we left. It was only nine thirty so we went to the swimming pool across the street from the school. We wanted to watch the swimmers. When he pulled up the the parking lot, Aundrey and his clique was standing there. Ty honked the horn and they moved out the way. When he came to a full stop I got out the car. Aundrey was looking me up and down and so was Jake and josh. Ty came over to my side and put his arm around my neck and pulled me to the building. The boys quickly followed behind us. Ty came to a stop and turned around to face Aundrey and the boys.

"Like something you see?" Ty asked the dumbest question. I swear Ty was quite dim at moments. Jake nodded, Josh pointed at me, and Aundrey just kept staring at me. It felt like he was undressing me with his eyes. He was a official creep. Ty pushed Aundrey back a little from me. That was a huge mistake because Ty is big but not bigger than Aundrey. "Stop eye raping my girl" Ty said in the most disgusted way possible.

"Look I don't want any trouble" And with that Aundrey walked off with his puppies (Jake And Josh) following behind him. When Ty and I turned around Aundrey was standing there. He looked at Ty and smiled. Next thing I know Aundrey punched the crap out of Ty. Ty fell to the floor with a bloody nose. I gasped and went to the floor to help him. But Jake and josh grabbed my arms. They pulled me away from Ty and held me back. Aundrey started stomping Ty in the stomach. Ty jumped up and got a few good hits in before he got knocked back to the ground. I screamed which made josh put his dirty hands over my mouth.  I did a back kick and hit Jake where the sun don't shine and I bit josh until he bled. They let me go and I ran to Aundrey. I knew I couldn't hurt Aundrey so I just lied.

"Please let him go.... I want you not him" I said. This got his attention and he turned around and smiled at me.

"If you want me.......... go hit him and I will believe you" He said. I did as I was told and I kicked Ty in the butt. He made a grunt sound and I instantly regretted it. Aundrey wrapped his arm around me and planted a huge disgusting kiss on my cheek. "That's my girl...... she feisty isn't she" He turned to his friends. Jake was on the ground in pain and josh was crying about his hand. Aundrey rolled his eyes and led me into the building. We walked past the swim couch and he looked at us. I starred at him with a afraid expression and he stopped Aundrey.

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