Chapter 44

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Tyler POV
Josh has been quiet all day.. well more than usual.
Throughout sound check he played harder than usual, smashing the drums as if they where his worst enemies, he freaked out at the IT guys when they'd tell us to stop for a moment.... he's acting like... well.... not Josh. Even when Jenna arrived he didn't even acknowledge her, he just left the room the second she held my hand.

The show that night was good, it was one of our biggest, less than 100, but still one of our largest. He played hard, even when I cracked one of my occasional jokes and introduced him he just nodded his head slightly, he didn't even play a little beat like he always does. He even broke a drum because how hard he was playing. What is going on Josh?
When the show finished he didn't come to thank the fans he just left. Stormed off behind the curtains, after talking to some of the people who showed up and thanking them I went to find him, but I couldn't, I found Zack my brother and asked him.
"Oh... yeah he seemed pretty out of it, have you checked the dressing room?" He says lifting the broken drum away to be replaced.
"Yeah every one"
"Hmm how about the roof?" This is why I always ask Zack.
I run up the stairs and find him sitting on them, looks like he didn't make it to the roof after all.

"Josh... what the hell is going on man?!?"
He doesn't look up, he just laughs.
"I keep asking myself the same question"
He stays silent, kicking a stone with his foot.
"Josh I'm your best friend you can tell me anything!" I beam at him, hoping it would bring some form of happiness to him. He looks up and gives me a forced smile,
"I'm fine." He stands and begins to climb the rest of the remaining stairs to the roof. I roll my eyes and climb up too.
When we reach the roof he bursts the door open and walks right over to the wall, he leans over it and watches the people below.
"Josh-" I say as I join him,
"Why did you follow me up here? Can't you see I want to be alone?" He says in such a harsh tone it actually makes me step back slightly,
"Josh... you always want me around? We're best friends" I rest a hand on his shoulder but he shrugs it off,
"Yeah well this best friend wants to be alone"
This isn't him.
"Josh please! Tell me what's wrong!"
"Please josh"
"I said stop"
"Josh I just want to hel-"
"I MISS PHOENIX OKAY!" He punches the wall hard as he shouts, the second his hand hits  the wall he falls on his knees.

Josh POV
The silence killed me, I said it, now what's he going to think of me.
"I miss her too" he finally says after a long pause.
Not in the way I do. The thought hits me hard, it's truth was like a slap in the face.
Tears begin to fall down my cheeks onto the ground I'm kneeling onto, it mixes with the blood which is currently pouring out of my knuckles. I am numb with love, I don't feel the pain because my body is already in enough from her.

He helps me up, taking me to the emergency room in the nearest hospital.
A few stitches. The doctor said whilst also prescribing me strong painkillers, I don't need them, as I said I'm already numb.
The bandage was huge, my hand looked like I had just punched a pile of snow which had stuck to me.
"I could ask if she has a free day.." we had hardly spoken a word to each other throughout this mess, my mess. He spoke softly. As if he where talking to an infant.
I thought about it, do I want to see her? Who am I kidding of course I fucking do.
"I'll ask her if she can meet us after our next show" he says parking outside of my apartment, he's still talking in that stupid tone.
"Yeah that'll be cool I guess" I reply bluntly, hopping out of the car and swinging my bad around my shoulder. He gives me a worried look and then drives off home.

I walk into my front room, everything's quiet. Apart from the radio, I keep it on so that passers by will think many people are home.
It's blurring out some sad love song. I turn it off for the first time in months and shove my bag on the table, I head upstairs and fling myself onto my bed, I lay face up and stare at the ceiling. I don't know what I'm looking for, all I know is that what I want is not here.

She's with someone she loves, and that's the hardest part. Knowing that she's happier with someone else, but that's all you want when you're in love... for them to be happy.

You just wish it was with you.

A/N I kinda used this chapter to change things up... I hope you like it. It's pretty much half of my brain right now :)

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