New Home, New Life.

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  As soon as you knew it you were home.
Great, back to the yelling.
You ran upstairs before anyone could say a word to you. You slammed your door shut locking it. You felt a lot safer now.
Your eyes wandered the room in search of where your charger was.
Ah! It was in the outlet behind your bed!
Your forgot you would hide your stuff there so your parents couldn't be complete stalkers and look through all your text messages with people.
Right as you plugged in your phone, it vibrated warming your hand.
You had just been added to a group chat!
Might as well interact.
Mike: Hey (Y/N)
Jeremy: Hey!
Fritz: Oh hi!
Scott: Hey.
Vincent: Hey lovely~
It was weird, it was like they all timed when to send their message when you joined. You just brushed it off.
(Y/N): Hey guys! ^~^
the chat went silent for a minute. Everyone sat in awkward silence trying to figure out how to start a conversation, luckily Scott was good at talking, and quickly thought of something before anyone else could. That was one of his good traits.
Scott: How did the night shift go for you guys? Was it a struggle or pretty easy? I just am curious because I want to know what to expect for tomorrow night, so I can be safe.
(Y/N): It was pretty easy, I think.
Mike: Yeah I agree...It could have been a lot worse.
Jeremy: Agreed.
Vincent: Both of you better keep (Y/N) safe otherwise I will be forced to break your necks.
Silence again.
(Y/N): .....
Mike: Vincent, she's fine. We talked about this.
Jeremy: Yeah....She's safe with us.
Scott: ...Yeah.
Silence. Oh lovely silence.
(Y/N): Uh? What did I miss in the time it took me to walk home? I'm so confused by this conversation.
Fritz: Oh uhm they were arguing about....uhm
Scott: We were arguing about the night shifts. And how much of a bad payment we recieve.
Mike: ^
Jeremy: ^
Vincent: ^
(Y/N): Ight. Just curious, I'm sorry if I was being nosy.
Jeremy: You weren't, your fine :)
You yawned.
(Y/N): I'm going to bed, Nighty night guys.
You clicked the power button on your phone and turned off the screen. You layed down sighing in relief as you snuggled into your blankets letting darkness take over you.
You heard arguing from downstairs, but soon enough it faded away into the darkness like you were running away from it.
You smiled to yourself as you slept. You didn't know what you were smiling about, maybe it was the silence? Or maybe it was the darkness? No one really knew the answer.
That's when you woke up to glass shattering.
You about fell out of your bed trying to get up.
'What the hell do they think they are doing?!' You asked yourself as if you would get an answer.
You unlocked your door opening it, just to get a bottle thrown at you.
You had quick reflexes so you ducked and the bottle hit the wall.
Your dad was clearly drunk and so was your mom, and they were clearly angry with eachother.
You grabbed your suitcase and started stuffing clothes into it.
You didn't have too many clothes so it fit in pretty easily.
You grabbed another bag and stuffed your charger into the bag along with some books and other stuff you wanted to bring.
You ran out of the back door while your parents were distracted.
You plugged in your headphones which u stuffed into your bag and you turned on your phone.
It buzzed and the screen lit up with a yellow circle which had a giant M on it.
You had an Andriod, so quickly after the circle appeared another one did with an eye looking thing in it. It was a bright red and said driod.
You smiled walking down to the pizzeria and sitting outside.
It was already 6 AM.
Past it actually.
You didn't expect anyone to come outside and check on you.
They would all be gone by now. Of course they would be eager to leave this hell.
It really was a sorry excuse for a friendly pizzeria.
You opened the group chat and messaged.
(Y/N): Anyone there? Please, I need help...
No response for multiple minutes.
You banged the back of your head on the brick of the pizzeria walls, which was the only thing keeping u away from those demon animatronics.
You started your music up and put on (F/S) (favorite / song)
You smiled lightly as it started playing.
Then your phone buzzed.
It was Fritz!
Fritz: Oh hey.
(Y/N): Hey! Uhm, do u know a place I could stay? My parents are drunk and fighting....I am tired of dealing with them.
Fritz: I understand, you could live in my apartment!
Right before you could type anything, another message appeared.
Vincent: Oh? You think your keeping her all to yourself?
Fritz: No! That's not what I was trying to say...
Vincent: Really? (Y/N) you can stay with me, its a much more comfortable place...
Scott: Ignore them, (Y/N). They are being childish.
Mike: You woke me up, this better be important. I was dreaming about killing those stupid animatronics. The only good dream I have had in years.
Jeremy: Yeah, what are you guys even going off about...?
(Y/N): I need a place to stay, and I don't know where.
Jeremy: You could stay with me!
Mike: Jeremy, you have work to do remember? That stuff? Yeah, (Y/N) can stay with me.
Scott: How about she just stays with me because really, this arguing is getting annoying.
No one typed for a very long time.
(Y/N): Excuse me?
Mike: He assumes we all like you because he does.
Scott: Yeah.
(Y/N): Okay.
(Y/N): How about I just alternate between all of your places? there is 5 of you, and I could stay at each of your houses one night.
(Y/N): The extra two nights I can just stay at home, deal?
All: Deal.
And then you sighed.
(Y/N): Who would care to take care of me tonight?
Mike: I'm sure Jeremy would.
Jeremy: Sure!
(Y/N): Alright, Jeremy. Are you uhm able to pick me up maybe? I'm at the pizzeria. I can just walk otherwise.
Jeremy: Ill be there in 10 minutes.
You smiled to yourself turning off your screen
Maybe your life is becoming better....  

The Night Dates. (FNAF Night Guards x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now