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Artwork done by Blue sakuya
Thank you so much for this amazing artwork! <3

You both sat in silence for what felt like forever. You didn't mind though. His arms were softer and warmer than they have ever been before. This only seemed to comfort you more. You slightly glanced over, seeing someone standing in the doorway. It was Scott! At a time like this, Scott might be best to talk to. He was very intelligent, and he seemed to be able to help you with everything. Vincent noticed your soft stare at Scott, and dismissed himself, clearly getting the point. Scott sat next to you. His eyes were fixated on the floor, as if there was a ghost that only he could see. Neither of you talked for minutes on end, until you decided you simply couldn't take this silence anymore. "Scott?" You spoke softly, trying not to startle him since he seemed to be in deep thought. "Yeah?" He asked, slowly fixating his gaze back onto you. "What's wrong?" He shook his head. "N-Nothing. I'm just...tired. Yep." You frowned, your eyes trying to avoid his. "Fine. I know what happened. And I've experienced something similar...and I'm ashamed to say I was in Mike's place." It took you a moment to process this. Scott. And. Some. Girl. Fucked. And. Someone. Else. Sacrificed. So. Much. For. His. Love. But. He. Threw. That. All. Away. The thought made you cringe. No. H-he could never...
But he did just admit it, so if this was a joke, he'll be in big trouble.
"How c-" You slightly choked on your words, so you began to restate your sentence. "Why would you do that to someone?" He smiled, as if it was a funny story he was about to tell, but when you looked into his eyes, there was a different story. His eyes were prepared to tell a story of pain and regret. His brown eyes sparkled as he opened his mouth to speak. His words didn't leave his mouth right away, but you knew he was nervous at that moment. He didn't want to seem like a bad dude. You rubbed circles on his back. "You can tell me, Scott. I won't be upset." You gave him a caring smile. He smiled as he looked down at his lap. "It was...4 years ago, I believe? Well, she would often give me flowers, chocolates, things along those lines. One day, I had gotten drunk. It was New Years, and I had only planned on taking a couple drinks...but you know how that goes. We weren't at my home, we were at one of my friend's homes at the time. He invited many girls over, saying 'it will be fun for the single men.' To be honest, I was into this girl who had feelings for me... I guess I just didn't want to start a relationship with her because I didn't want to ruin our strong friendship..." His voice started trailing off. What if Mike was in a somewhat similar situation? Then would you be able to forgive him? Scott gulped, taking in a deep breath. Finally, "There was a girl there. She was good-looking, somewhat, but I had no interest in her. At all, to be exact. She would hook up with every guy she saw... and I just wasn't into her personality. But even so...I was so drunk...t-that I f-" He started shaking. You wrapped your arms around him tightly, but not so tight that you would cause him even an ounce of pain. "You don't have to finish. I-I get the point. I'm sorry..." You kissed his cheek, his face glimmering a light pink as a small tear made its way down his face. "T-Then I met you." He smiled at you. He sniffled, chuckling so softly that it was barely audible. He spoke in a soft whisper. "Then...I fell in love with you." Your face lit up like a firework. Y-You?! How could a handsome, charming, soft, caring, gentleman like Scott love someone like you. I mean, in comparison, he was clean, you were dirty. He was consistently caring for everyone, and if you were mad, you wouldn't give a shit about whomever made you mad. He was just so....
What would be the word?
'Prince-Like' maybe?
And you were more of a
'Knight.' You weren't a princess. All the relationships you had gotten into, would eventually crumble to the ground. So, if you were a princess, you wouldn't have had your happily ever after.


You pulled yourself into Scott's lap, your head resting against his chest. You started to doze off to the sound of his heartbeat.

Then, you opened your eyes.
Scott was gone. Your room was gone. Everything was gone. You sat in a small chair, white cushions covering everything in the room. You tried to move your arms, but something blocked your motion. You had white straps that expanded all along your body. They were secured tightly in the front with buckles. You tried to scream, but it was muffled. Silver tape was over your mouth, and it had no intention of unsticking from you anytime soon.
You realized there was nothing over your legs or feet, so you would be perfectly capable of standing up and walking. So, you did just that. You stood up from the uncomfortable chair you were previously sitting in, and walked over to one end of the room to a white door that seemed to try to be blending in with the wall. The door wasn't shut, though. Instead, it was slightly cracked open. You pushed your body against it, entering a long hallway. In this hallway, the wallpaper was a calm peach color, with brown swirls decorating it. Some of the wallpaper was peeled away, as if someone had been clawing and ripping at it. Little lights flickered above you, lighting the hallway to the point where you were able to see to the end of it. At the farthest end of the hallway, sat a door. It was brown with a dark blue window, and blinds that covered it from the inside. You slowly made your way down the hallway, shaking more than you knew you were. Once you were in front of the door, you settled your chin on the large handle, opening the door on the first try. You entered the room.
You heard breathing from all sides of you...
Then, the room went black and all that was there to 'comfort' you were the voices in your head.
Kill them. Teach them a lesson. Kill HIM. Teach him a lesson. Make him feel the pain. Make him suffer. HAHA! They all deserve to suffer! Don't you want to show them what true pain feels like? We're all here to support you.
So why not let us help you?
We could even do your bidding....
For you.

The Night Dates. (FNAF Night Guards x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now