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Your hands held the mug of hot chocolate Scott had given you 10 minutes before, after you had told him all of the information you had on the mystery man. He didn't seem to believe that it meant anything, but he tried to hide his disbelief. Unfortunately for him, this cover was easily seen through.

You sighed, sipping your hot chocolate as you looked over at Scott, concern resonating in your eyes.

"Do you think this means something?"

Scott looked as though he was pondering for a moment. He knew it didn't mean anything, but the fear of bursting your hopes was holding him from immediately telling you that. He wanted you to think the subject was debatable.

"Personally, I'm not sure but..."

His eyes met yours for a moment as he cleared his throat nervously.

"I mean it could mean something. No way for us to be sure."

A form of anticipation overtook the hope that last shimmered in your eyes. For a moment, your mind was clear of the worries that had taken over your life for what felt like years. Finally, maybe, you could get the answers to all of the questions that were left unknown.

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You leaned against the railing of the apartment's balcony. The breeze was calming, running through your hair, dancing along each strand. It reminded you of a time not so long ago, when you had first met the men who now engulfed your life. If you could, you'd go back and make different decisions, say different things.

Scott slid open the balcony door, trying to be as quiet as possible as to not disturb your train of thought. He slowly leaned against the railing next to you, following his gaze off to the sky.

"I know it's been tough for you."

His voice was soothing; understanding. He had a way with words when it came to talking to you.

"It's been tough for everyone."

The words found themselves soaked in regret, knowing there was more you could have done for Scott and everyone else.

"But it's been especially tough for you."

His words cut off your train of thought.

"You've had to watch everyone slowly lose themselves after you had just met them, and you feel at fault for it. I can't imagine how emotional this must be for you."

You looked at Scott, confused as to what his point was.

"By that logic, you've definitely been through more. You had more of a past with them than I do. They were much closer to you."

He chuckled softly.

"They may have been my friends, but I wasn't romantically involved with any of them. That has to take more of an emotional toll on you."

It was now clear what he was trying to say. He knew this was a tough time for you, and he couldn't fully understand the depth of how you were feeling for them, especially individually. His sympathetic ways made it easy for you to trust him.

You looked over at Scott, catching his glimpse for a mere moment. He smiled, making you smile as well. He was home to you.

You looked back out at the park that sat across from the balcony. There were couples holding hands, families taking walks, and individuals feeding the ducks in the pond. It was a memory you'd keep forever, something so pleasant it would stay warm in your heart.

Scott stretched, standing upright and heading towards the door.

"I'm heading back inside. You should come in soon, too."

He patted your back gently before following through with his statement and heading inside. You took in a deep breath of fresh air as you stared at the gloomy clouds overhead. It was definitely going to rain soon.

You directed your eyes back at the park, a figure with a gray hoodie walking along the path. Something felt off about him.

You walked back into Scott's apartment, sitting back on the couch. You had spent your entire day talking to Scott, which made you feel exhausted. You hadn't been able to just relax for a long time, the thought of Jeremy's face haunting you every time you dare close your eyes. The rain hit the windows of the apartment, causing you to feel drowsy as music played on the radio in the kitchen. You closed your eyes, this time Jeremy no longer presenting himself in the darkness of your eyelids. Instead, only one vision was in place.


The Night Dates. (FNAF Night Guards x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now