His Regret

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When you awoke, you found Scott fast asleep on the sofa next to you. His breathing was soft and slow, his mind deep in the dream world. You found it cute.

His sixth sense must've kicked in because he awoke when he felt your eyes on him. He yawned first before locking his eyes with yours.

"Goodmorning. You're up early."

You looked at him, cocking your brow.

"How do you know its early?"

He shrugged.

"Well, given we were up so late last night, anything before 2 pm is early."

You laughed, looking up at him.

"I suppose you're right."

Scott got up to make his morning cup of coffee as you stared at the television. Nothing interesting was on the tv, but not like you would have known. You were completely zoning out at the screen, thinking of the horrors you saw the night before. You saw a photo of Scott hung up on the wall, Fritz smiling in the picture as well as Scott. You were nervous that your presence was going to get Scott killed as well. You stared at his happy expression. If you had not come into their lives, Fritz would be completely alive. Maybe they could have maintained the happiness they felt on the day of that photo.

Scott walked back into the room, noticing you gazing off at the photo on the wall.

"We took that picture when the location opened."

He looked at the picture longingly, remembering the days when he didn't know the chaos that would pursue him and his friend.

"We worked the day shift then. There was not even much of a need for a night shift originally. The animatronics were fine. They reacted normally, until one night..."

He gazed off somewhere else, trying to recall the events properly.

"We were locking up shop and I saw Vincent."

His name stung in the back of your throat. His name felt unmentionable to you now.

"One of the animatronics approached him. It was uncommon, given the animatronics were never in free-roaming mode. They must have identified him, though. At the time, I didn't really process that their criminal database systems must have detected him as a criminal. I was just worried that I would lose a coworker that day."

He looked more intently at the photo, seeing Fritz's smile.

"He was unaware that the animatronic was approaching him. He was cornered..."

He paused.

"I yelled for Vincent to run. Vincent made it out while the animatronic was too focused on my panicked scream from afar."

Fritz's smile burned. It lingered and cut wounds deeper and deeper into Scott.

"I wish I did not save him on that day."

He frowned. Sorrow filled his eyes for the first time. He missed the friend he once had. He turned his head to you, his expression quickly changing as he took in a deep sigh.

"Enough about the past. How are you doing this morning? Holding up okay?"

You nodded. You felt like your emotions were less valid than his. He lost his best friend and numerous coworkers. You would never be as close to them as he was.

"Now," he began,"Care to tell me more about this dream man?"

//// A/ N Please Read! ////

Hello everyone! I have recently decided I am going to follow my passion for writing. I have created multiple stories in my lifetime that I am finally ready to start showing people. I will be releasing two original-themed stories and one Dead by Daylight story (If you like Jeremy in this series, you will definitely like Dwight in that one!). I know most of you are just here for Five Nights at Freddys and FNaF alone, but I would greatly appreciate your feedback on my newer stories. I will be working on these more because I think they will more accurately depict my actually writing style (This book has been in the process for 5 years, so my style and way of going about scenarios has changed drastically). If you're not interested, that's okay, but I would still really appreciate it. Thank you all for the years and the time you've spent reading this story. I appreciate you all and could not have asked for a better audience.

The Night Dates. (FNAF Night Guards x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now