Reminder of Your Past.

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His words were as if they were stuck in his throat. "I-I k-kinda got h-h-her mad a-at me.." He whispered for only you to hear. You didn't mean to be nosy, but you wanted to know why. "Why is she mad at you?" You asked, trying to get Chris to glance back at you. "Uhmm..." There was a long pause. "You don't have to tell me...if it's awkward for you to tell." You saw him look up at you and finish. "I kinda got her pregnant." Your eyes widened.

Whooooaaaaaa what had you missed?!

You backed up a bit and let go of his hands. He looked at you, worry in his eyes. "(Y/N)?" You shook your head, continuing to back up. "Chris. Did. You. Rape. Her?" The words rang through the room for a few seconds of which felt like years. "No. That's what she wanted. More like she forced it upon me...and believe me I hated it plenty." You blinked and sighed. "Okay.." You mumbled and sat down on your air mattress. You patted next to you, signaling that you wanted Chris to sit next to you. You turned on the small TV screen that came with your room, and switched to your favorite channel. Chris and yourself watched (F/T/S) for hours on end. Chris stood up, yawning and stretching before looking back down at you. "I really gotta get going." He said, holding his hand out to help you up. You took his hand and hugged him tightly. "I had a great time today. Hopefully I'll cya again soon." You gave him a polite smile as he smiled and walked out the door. You pulled out a sketchbook from your bag and began drawing your friends. You shaded the places where shade was needed and left it in black and white. You were impressed by this drawing, and truly, you were proud of yourself. You slid the sketchbook back into your bag along with the pencil you were drawing with. You yawned as the doorbell rang. Who was at your door? You opened the wooden door, seeing a girl with blonde hair smiling at you. "Hello, (Y/N)!" She exclaimed, holding out her hand to shake yours. You hesitantly shook her hand slowly. " know me...but who are you?" You asked, looking at her confused. She seemed like a very happy person. She let go of your hand and closed her eyes, continuing to smile. "I'm Jeremy's brother, Cece!" She hugged you tightly. "Uh.." You mumble. "Well it's nice to meet you." You decided you might as well get on Jeremy's sister's good side. She walked inside your house. Annnnd she was inviting herself in. Alright, whatever. You smiled as she looked around the small room. "Nice place!" She smiled, sitting on the mattress that was sprawled out next to the TV screen. You sat down next to her and had a 30 minute conversation with her when Jeremy entered the room. What was their problem with not knocking?! Ehy, whatever. Jeremy's face turned bright red. "I-I'M SORRY A-ABOUT MY SISTER." You looked over at Cece. "Why are you sorry? She's really cool..." Jeremy looked between the both of you and sighed. "I was just n-n-n-nervous t-t-t-that you'd b-be weirded out i-if my s-s-s-sister just randomly started t-talking to y-y-you." He choked out. He sat himself down next to you and smiled politely like his sister does. You all talked for multiple hours until you yawned. Cece yawned as well and stood up stretching. "Imma head home, Jer. Night (Y/N)." She stretched and left as you mumbled a "Goodnight." You laid your head on Jeremy's lap as he ran his fingers through your hair. Just then, the doorbell rang again. Jeremy and yourself both got up. Jeremy walked out the door and didn't see anyone. He shrugged. "Anyways, I'm going home, (Y/N).." He mumbled, no stuttering in his words. He waved goodbye and was on his way. You closed the small door and rested your head on the mattress. You turned out the lights and rested yourself. Just then you felt a pair of arms wrap tightly around your waist. Before you could turn around to see who it was a hand covered your mouth. The figure...Smelled like toast.

The fuck, Vincent? -_-

He began licking your neck and he slid his hand up your shirt. "I've been waiting so long for you to be alone~" Your face shaded a dark red as he sucked on your neck. You moaned against his hand, not wanting to show any sign of enjoying this, but failed. He smirked when the door swung open. It was...Fritz and some guy named Matthew? Fritz flipped off Vincent and Matthew pulled Vincent off of you. "Vincent, right? Yeah, I've heard a lot about you, you purple pervert." Matthew dragged Vincent out from the room and practically threw him down the stairs. Fritz helped you gain understanding of what was happening and everything was okay for a moment. You sighed, if Fritz and Matthew weren't there, what could've happened? You didn't know if you wanted to know the truth or the false reasoning, so you just erased that thought for the moment being. Matthew introduced himself to you, and you introduced yourself to him. He seemed to have a similar personality to your own. He would get confused at times and just wanted to have some friends. That was the basic part of both of your personalities. "I uh don't have a place to stay..." He said, fiddling with his small thin thumbs. You smiled lightly, wanting to help him. "You can stay here with me!" You exclaimed happily. He hesitantly nodded and got all of his stuff out of Fritz's car. He brought everything back up to your room, and set everything out. You gave him a caring smile. "Thanks, for u-uhm, letting me stay. The rest of the g-guys would never let me stay with them. They don't care enough." You saw a light blush spread across his fast. You scanned the details of Matthew. He was wearing a black hoodie of which the hood was up. Everything he was wearing seemed to resemble black, even his hair. He was kinda cute, you had to admit. He seemed to be scanning the details of your (H/L) (H/C) hair and your dazzling (E/C) eyes. Your face shaded a light pink when he wrapped his arms around you tightly. "I know the pain you've been through..." He whispered. Was he talking about all the depression you've been through? You thought of the small sharp blade you hid from your parents, though you didn't know why...

you knew they didn't care. You felt tears stream from your eyes as you buried your face in Matthew's chest. It shocked him at first, but he finally got accustomed to it. He rubbed your back softly, and ran his fingers through your hair. You wish you could've stopped yourself from crying, but you didn't have a choice...

You were stuck like this. You were stuck like time was frozen on one thought causing tears.You felt Matthew take off his hoodie and wrap it around you. "We better get to sleep. We have work in 6 hours. Rest up." He kissed your forehead and laid you down on the mattress. He laid down beside you, and for an instant between the pain you just felt, you felt happiness.  

The Night Dates. (FNAF Night Guards x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now