The Not-So-Great Party.

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  Everyone was laughing and eating pizza. Some of them were drinking, too, but you really weren't in the mood for a drink.

Once all the pizza was gone, you went into the kitchen to find something to make. You find a couple bags and began to pop them. Once they were all done you ran back into the living room handing one to Jeremy to share with Mike, One to Fritz to share with Scott, And one for Kaia to share with Vincent.

You were left with nothing. You sighed because you knew most of the pizza was gone in no time and you only got 2 slices. You curled up in a ball hoping to try and stop your stomach from growling in hunger.

Everyone was too busy to notice and in some sense you wish someone would at least give you a few pieces.

You looked over at Mike and Jeremy. Mike was extremely drunk and Jeremy was trying to calm him down.

Fritz was passed out and Scott was screaming. Yeah, he was drunk as well.

Vincent....Oh dear god was he drunk. He was sitting there flirting with Kaia who kept calling him a grape and telling him to shut up.

You stood up and ran through the crowd of bottles and popcorn. You ran to the back room where you would be sleeping. You sat down on the bed realizing a shard of glass from a beer bottle was stuck in your foot.


You pulled it out and began to bleed. All over the carpet. You got up and hopped into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. You grabbed some toilet paper and attempted to stop the bleeding. You wanted to curse and scream for even a second in pain.

But you knew you couldn't just to risk everyone's attention in the other room. You waited for it to stop bleeding, but at this moment you felt dizzy. You stumbled out of the bathroom and ran into the bedroom and you attempted to rest... That is until a, what you thought was drunk, Vincent came in.

"Heeeeeeey lovvvvveeeeeeeeelllllllyyyyyy~" He said falling over on the side of the bed with a beer in his hands.

Yeah, He was drunk.

"Hi Vincent, mind lending me some privacy?" You asked in an annoyed tone.

"Nnnnope. Whaz provacy?" He said stumbling over to the side of the bed you were on waving his beer bottle around.

"Privacy ; It means to leave me the fuck alone."

That eerie grin of his was smeared across his face again - He walked over to the door and locked it. The lock was on the top of the door, and it was too high to reach for you.

You panicked but tried not to show it. He threw the beer bottle into a trash can and slid over to you. He basically climbed on top of you.

You attempted to scream, but he put his hand on top of your mouth, blocking all sound.

You squeaked against his hand, though not very loudly.

He laughed. " Don't worry (Y/N)....Just will just make it easier and more enjoyable for the both of us..."   

The Night Dates. (FNAF Night Guards x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now