April 16th 1479

54 7 2

Lightning flashes brightly in the distance, illuminating the black oceanic water and the ebony sky. Moonlight dances across the water faintly glowing in a derelict graveyard. The boat rocks back and forth, slowly and ominously. If the stars were visible we would be able to see what lies ahead of us, but as it is, we are left in the foggy dark to the uncertainty and danger of the ocean. Our survival is solely dependent on the forces of nature now and perhaps something more devious.

I hear a loud creak behind me, as someone opens the door and walks onto the deck. I fight the urge to look and remain focused on the harsh waves ahead of me.

"Joseph?" A female voice asks, "Why are you still up?"

"I think you know, Victoria. You probably know more about me than I know about myself." I respond as I turn my head to look at her.

She nods. "Yes, you never could sleep during a storm. It is the adrenaline rush, the atmosphere, the danger. But I sense there is more to it this night, is there not?" She looks over at me expectantly.

I turn away, my eyes downcast, "I fear the worst tonight. Tonight is the night that we will land. I can just feel it."

"And is that all you fear? That we will finally land?" Victoria asked me with a slight look of confusion in her eyes.

I lift up my head to gaze at her sadly. "We won't reach our destination... you know it to be true. I have this terrible feeling that when we land, many of us will be dead." I focus my gaze back out to the ocean and the sky, hoping to see the fog finally lifting. It had not moved an inch, I could still see nothing.

"How can you be so sure?" She said, placing her hand on my shoulder. I flinch inwardly at her touch. I do not like contact with others, especially on nights such as these.

"Of this, I know not, but I have dreamt of this night for many days now and dreams are never pointless when they come to me. Dreams always reveal something. Always..." I trail off thinking of the danger that lies ahead of us.

Victoria chuckles lightheartedly, "You were always one to worry needlessly. Brother, why don't you go lie down and forget about this nonsense? You will feel much better in the morning."

Finally I sigh. Perhaps it is all in my mind. So I turn to her and smile lightly. "Yes, I suppose you are right. There is no point in worrying. What will come, will come. Regardless of how I dread the outcome."

She smiles tentatively back at me and says, "Exactly, Now go get some sleep. If you are correct about us landing we have a long day ahead of us." She squeezes my shoulder, then turns and walks away to her cabin. I let out a sigh as I look one more time into the foreboding darkness that surrounds us.


Tonight, we will land.

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