August 15, 1479

13 1 0

The night is pitch black except for the small torches that send a faint glow across the forest. The fire only makes the night darker by darkening the shadows around us. I look over and see Dawn hugging herself tight as the cold winds blow across the night. We stand around a giant pile of ash and we know what we have to do, but we feel so vulnerable to the men searching for us.

"Well, let's get this over with..." I grumble as I grab the shovel leaning against a tree. Dawn stands back looking out for our followers as I shovel ashes into a wagon for our experiment. The ash is incredibly thick and dense and it takes all my strength just to lift one shovel full. No wonder the Phoenix's ashes never blow away or get disturbed after it passes. After I filled the wagon with about a dozen shovel fulls of ash Dawn screamed. I toss the shovel into the wagon and push it towards the white tree.

"What about Ivory's ashes!" Dawn cries.

"Grab a torch and throw it upon the ashes!" Without hesitating, she grabs one of the torches on one of the trees and throws it upon the ashes. She runs around the giant ash pile and continues to throw three other torches. She grabs the last torch and runs toward me, while I continue to push the wagon. White light flashes so bright that it shines through the entire forest and I can tell that our pursuers are blinded for the moment.

We were only about a mile from the tree, but were only a few yards within the forest. We emerge from the forest and I know I am going to slow but the wagons weight is cumbersome and it me forever to go small distances. I glance behind me and notice a small movement coming fast behind us.

"Dawn, take the wagon and get as close to the white tree as possible. I will hold back the enemies." I shout.

Without responding she obediently takes the wagon and pushes as fast as she can. I draw out my Ivory blade again and remember how useless it was last time. I still remember the pain in my leg, but the phoenix did a pretty good job of healing it.

A man emerges from the forest. He was the man with the blind fold.

"Who are you?" I ask cautiously.

"Akachi." He responds in a deep, whispery voice.

He draws out three of his blades from his belt hoops and throws them accurately without even looking over at Dawn. One blade flies right past her head, another punctures the wagon, the last one barely cuts her abdomen and flies past. She lets out a weak scream but continues further even more vigorous than before.

Enraged, I charge at Akachi and he faces towards me. As I reach him, he draws another throwing blade and it nearly punctures my chest. I rip it out and I finally realize his weakness. He is blind.

I stop moving and stand completely still.

Akachi looks around confused and he starts walking towards Dawn. He takes out another blade and prepares to throw it at her. He won't miss.

I take the blade he threw at me and I skillfully pierce his leg. He collapses to the floor and I can hear the others running through the forest now.

I race to Dawn's side and help her push the wagon. She still somehow managed to hold the torch the whole time in her armpit. I take the wagon from her and she lets go, gasping for air.

"Nice shot. I wouldn't of thought going after the leg." She says.

"I was aiming for his head..."

She looks back and slightly recoils in fear.

"The other two are coming up quick."

We are only about twenty yards from the white tree now.

"I will handle them this time." She says taking my blade and taking the torch with her courageously to fend them off.

"You mustn't. You won't survive." I cry.

She ignores my plead and stands motionless getting ready to attack the other two men.

"Akakios, let me handle her. So, pretty, young lady. How are you this fine night?"

"I am going to gut you like a pig." She spits.

"Brave like your brother, aren't you?"

"Who are you people?" She asks trying to waste time.

"Well, we are assassins that have been hired to kill that bird of yours. They also said to kill anyone else who gets in our way."

"What is your name?"

"My name, is Akos."

"What are your friends names?" I am already ten meters from the tree.

"No more introductions. It is time to finish this." He pulls out his bow and prepares and arrow straight at Dawn's forehead.

"If you kill me, then you will never find the Phoenix."

"True, your mouth will still work even if your legs don't though." He smiles as he brings his bow down to her legs. Right before he releases the arrow she staggers back, turns, and runs straight for me.

"Chase her her down!" He shouts to his friend Akakios. Akos draws another arrow with lightning speed and fires it at Dawn.

"Duck!" I shout right before he lets go of the arrow and it barely misses her head.

I dump the ashes right beside the tree and retrieve the torch from Dawns hand. Akakios pounds on top of Dawn and growls. He glances over to his leader, Akos, for direction.

I toss the torch on top of the ashes around the tree and the whole tree catches on fire.

We all stare up at the gigantic inferno of flames as the tree ignites. The flame glows calmly and fiercely white. It then, within seconds, turns blood red. The flame goes on for at least a minute and then it suddenly stops. The only fire still on is the little pile of ashes that lay beside it.

"Kill her." Akos viciously demands.

Akakios smiles at Dawn and lets out a deep growl. He opens his mouth and shows off his fangs. Dawn cries out, but it only entices the creature more. As he lowers his head a loud thunderous sound is heard in the forest. Akakios ignores it. Akos grows extremely worried and he runs toward the forest to get Akachi and to see what made the noise. Akakios laughs and growls as he starts sniffing Dawns hair. He raises his clawed hand and tightly grabs her cheek. She screams out again and blood drips down her face. I pick up the shovel that was in the wagon and I rush to attack Akakios. I bring the shovel down across the back of his head and he rolls of her like a sack of potatoes. He quickly recovers sadly. I grab her hand and pull her of the ground. We back away toward the fire. We know that there is no where we can escape to.

"Your efforts will just make your death more painful."

A giant bird dives down and swoops him off of his feet.

I glance at Dawn and she is staring at me as well. We look toward the forest and notice the other two guys coming back at us.

"Up the tree!" Dawn shouts and she starts quickly climbing the tree. I follow her. By the time the other guys catch up to us we are already at least twelve meters up the tree. Ivory came down and grabbed us with its talons. It flew us to the top of the tree and it covered us with its wings.

"You can't hide up their forever!" Akos shouted up at us triumphantly.

We heard a loud rustling and saw the wagon below get thrown across the field. A glowing crimson bird came into our view and it ate the two men alive.

Ivory flew us down to the newborn, small phoenix.

"I will name you Crimson." Ivory stated. The infant phoenix cried out in agreement and the other three men disappeared for good. We rested easily that night knowing that our plan worked and knowing that we will do it again soon.

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