Family Reunion

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After walking down the steps we notice a red glowing light illuminating the end of the staircase. We all run down the rest of the steps, not wanting to waste any more time. As we near the bottom we look up and notice the giant opening of the Mauna Loa. We all see the sky barely coming through cracks and holes of the Mauna Loa's opening. The dragon was nowhere in sight. The circle is about three miles in diameter and at the center of the giant cave is another volcano's opening. We were currently standing on pure ebony. The volcano's slope must be beneath us because it is shaped like a gigantic geyser.

"Where is he?" Emilea asks angrily obviously upset that we spent hours to get here to find no one home. "How could he not be here?"

Despair crosses our features as we stand broken. We wasted the whole afternoon for nothing.

"Because I'm here." A woman's voice echoes across the cavern. "He doesn't like to be in obvious places, so we traded spots. He is at the cemetery at the entrance to the red wild lands. Not like it will matter, since you won't live long enough to use that information to slay him." The woman walks into our line of sight. She is dressed in a very revealing pink and black dress in multiple locations. She looks very sinister but she is attractive. I know her power is to seduce men but I'm finding it hard to resist her charm.

"Tulip? It really is you..." Rose says shocked.

The woman smiles evilly.

"Yes sister, it is me. I have made a name for myself. I never went to that petty school. Mom is a vampire too. I was disappointed that you didn't come with us. I'm glad that now you're old enough to be a vampire now though." She says laughing at how Rose is reacting to the news.

"No more talking. Let's kill her now, before she uses her powers against us." Emilea urgently demands.

"Oh, but I already have used my powers against you. Rose is already on my side. Kill them Roselia."

Rose runs at Kaela and punches her in the face. Kaela blocks Rose's next punch and grabs her wrist on her third. Kaela grabs Rose's other wrist and freezes them together with ice. Emilea runs at Tulip, but Tulip easily grabs her by the throat.

"Nice try, hero, but you aren't allowed to be involved in this fight." Tulip throws her against the wall and Emilea passes out immediately. I angrily take out my staff and change it to a broadsword. I charge at Tulip and she easily slides between my legs and then she grabs my foot and trips me. I teleport before I hit the ground and appear behind Tulip. I tap her in the shoulder and hold blade across her neck threateningly. She chokes back a sob and looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Aris, let me see my sister once more before I die. Please... just this one favor." Tulip asks crying.

I cave in. For Rose's sake.

"Kaela, let Tulip see Rose. Once Tulip dies, Rose will be returned to normal."

"Rose, come here." Tulip demands softly. Kaela melts her ice cuffs and she walks over to Tulip and she hugs her. "I'm so sorry I never was there for you and I had to wait until now to do this..." Tulip pushes Rose's head to the side and bites her across her neck. Kaela and I soon realize what she is doing and we run in to stop it before it's too late. Tulip pulls out her dagger and slits her wrist and put it to Rose's neck. We both grab Tulip and throw her into the volcano beneath us. The vampire burns to ashes. I run over to Rose, who is lying on the floor bleeding, and check out her condition. She is bleeding badly and I know she can't live with the extreme blood loss.

"Kaela, go wake Emilea before Rose dies!" I shout. I tear a piece of cloth from her blouse and hold it to her neck firmly. Her blood is still gushing through the fabric and coating my fingers.

"Aris, kill me, please." Rose mumbles and pleads.

Seeing her in such extraordinary pain is too much for me to handle. I didn't know whether she used her powers on me or if I know deep inside it is best but I pick up Tulip's blade off of the floor and stab Rose in the chest. She quickly dies, and her pink eyes closes for the last time.

"We need to get away from here." I say with tears daring to spill down my face. I pick up Emilea and walk back up the steps and out of the grotto. The more steps I climb, the more grief I feel. There is a hotel which is a couple miles from the mouth of the volcano. I walk in through the fabulous doors and everyone stares at me immediately.

"Do you need a doctor, or the police or something?" Someone asks fearfully and quickly.

"No, she just passed out." I answer calmly.

"Why is their blood on your hands?" The chubby lady continues to ask accusingly.

"It is none of your concern!" I scream. I continue walking and ignore everyone else's remarks. I hear Kaela explaining and apologizing to the people behind me. I didn't care either way.

I continue up the stairs and carry Emilea to the second floor. I notice a room that looks empty and kick the door open. I place her more or less gently on the bed on the right. I go into the bathroom and quickly rinse off my hands, then I jump onto the bed on the right. I didn't care that I left the door open or that I didn't give Kaela a bed. I fall asleep enraged and deeply upset.

I only have one dream throughout the night. I dream that I 'm standing upon the hill with the violets again. This time, Violet stands beside me. I turn and kiss Violet and she kisses back. After she pulls away I look sadly in her eyes and then she starts to walk backwards away from me. I stand still and wave silently. She smiles and waves back. She looks so kind. I have never seen her that nice before. After I drop my hand she catches into flame and her ashes blow around like a tornado. The ashes then form another woman. Rose.

She runs up to me and embraces me. I see a twinkle in her eye that makes me regain hope. I see myself in her eyes and I know that she is going to be strong when she grew older. Well, she might have if she hadn't died. She only says four words and all of my grief lifts.

"It isn't your fault."

She walks backwards as well and waves to me. I wave back knowing that this is our goodbye. She catches fire and turns into ash. This time when the tornado stops it forms a twenty year old looking man. He has a black cloak on that covers his face and body. Under the cloak he's wearing black jeans and black biker boots. He looks up and I notice his eyes. Many of his features seem similar to mine but his eyes are different. His eyes are like the night sky quickly blowing in the air. It changes from all hues of blue, indigo, violet, and black. I know it must be him.


"Hello son." He says wisely and sinisterly. "I know I am not supposed to appear to you because of what happened to Dawn's son, but I know you won't fall to his fate. Just watch your temper from here on out. You have a good friend. You should be lucky that Kaela is here to clean up after your mistakes. It took her an hour to explain to the cops of your actions and she then had to pay twice the amount of the room that you stole. And also you forced her to sleep on the floor. I know your mother raised you to be more respectful. The past is the past. I am here to end your current path and help you create a new one of your own. Tomorrow morning you will find out how to use you phoenix figurine I gave you when you were two. Be wise and be smart. It is crucial to survival. You are only my fourth son and I hope that you do not fail me. Be brave against the dark and learn its secrets. You are strongest in shadows. And don't ever forget your purpose or your mission. Good luck, you will need it."

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