Derek and the Prophecy

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"Aris, I want to show you something." A male voice says. I try looking around to find where the voice is originating from, but I see nothing but black.

"You see, I wasn't always a monster. Neither was the rest of us 'monsters'. We were humans like you. Who wouldn't want immortality, right?

"Aren't we all half immortal already?"

"Half. 'Scoff', please. Who wants to be half immortal? Half rich? Half famous? Nobody. You always have to be the best."

"Sometimes being second best is better than being first."

"Humble? I didn't expect that out of your character."

"Humble? No, wise? Just maybe." I respond calmly.

"Well, let's put your wisdom to the test. Test one, figure who I am."

I start to draw a blank. Who is he? He is definitely male, and he said he was a monster. He knows my name? That isn't to unusual now and days though. He obviously once had some sort of power like I do.


"You put on a good show, but you are not to be underestimated. Nor over estimated either. You need to watch out Aris, they will expect you to be a lot more than you actually are, but you also must realize that you have the potential to have more power than all of them."

"More power than you."

"Don't get carried away, now. I have been alive for much longer than you have and I am not a force to be trifled with. Do not under estimate me either. We share a very common ancestry, you and I. We have powers that are derived from the same source. Whatever powers you might have, I have them as well, but far greater with much more experience."

"What is it that you wanted to show me Dereck?"

"My name isn't Dereck anymore." He nearly snarls. He pauses for a minute. "You are presently dying right now, you know this, correct?"

"I've almost completed the quest. I am satisfied. Either way, though, you wouldn't be talking to me right now unless you have some idea that I might be useful to you, or because I will most likely survive."

"True! I forget how fun it is talking to mortals! I want you to also know what happened to me, from my perspective."

"Why are you talking to me anyway? My mission is to kill you?"

"Maybe to change your opinion on this situation. Maybe to put you on the right side."

"I'm not going to betray my friends."

"Who said anything about betrayal? No one will be harmed if you go through the process properly."

"What is it that you want?"

"I want the power and recognition I deserve. I want to be treated like a king, not a monster. I am a powerful heir and deserve great respect. Instead, all I got was sidelong glances of pity and an unending list of responsibilities. Trust my words. You will understand this, if you have not already seen it."

"The thing is, is that I don't care for power like you do. You became a monster, because you let your anger and pride control your actions. The best way to gain power is by having it given to you by those who respect you. What do you plan on doing when you take control?"

"I will rule with the phoenixes and will be able to renovate the entire facility for the modern times. I will also give the monsters a second chance. The school makes me look like a bad guy, because it is very conservative and doesn't like to change. I appreciate change though. Change is necessary for things to prosper. They wish me to be their enemy though, and so enemy I shall be. They should beware though, I have many more tricks and friends than they believe. Let me show you a few images before I let you continue your quest that will ultimately fail."

My pitch black surroundings begin to alter. A fire burns bright red about 100 yards ahead of me. A giant red phoenix is breathing a wicked inferno at a man that is about eighteen. The person is sending most of the flame back at the bird, but it is hardly effected by the flame.

"Child, your fire is nothing against me. Your powers will drain ten times over again before I even notice a slight amount of dreariness come upon me. You suffer the same sin as me. Pride. You should not of challenged me, but I feel generous and will grant you your life if you kneel before me and forfeit." The Giant Red Phoenix chuckles.

The man grows exasperated, but it is obvious he would rather die than give up. He draws his sword, but the bird is to preoccupied to notice the incoming danger. He breaks through the flames and slashes the birds lower left wing. The bird is caught by surprise and looks precariously at the human. He grunts with anger and levitates himself above the ground with a little trouble because of his injury. The flapping of his wings is so great that it cause the man to stumble backwards.

"My patience has run out. I would kill you, but I think letting you live with a scar across your face will cause you more pain and will set an example for decades to come!"

The bird burns with rage and swoops upon the man, leaving a giant claw marks across the left side of his head. Blood drizzles from his head and he falls unconscious in a haze. The bird flies away leaving the boy laying on the ground, mortally injured, in the middle of nowhere.

The scene shifts again.

"Aris, that was a image from my past. Fighting the red phoenix was probably the least intellectual choice I made, and I suffered for a long time because of it. Those were my reckless years. I now want to show you an image of your future. Choose which scene you wish for me to select. How your quest will ultimately end or how your school will be destroyed?"

"Nothing positive?"

"No, that you will figure out once the time arrives. Choose!"

Which one should I choose? How the quest will end might be important, because it might help me stop it and I might be able to fix that. How the school will be destroyed would be harder to fix, and I may not even have a chance to help the school, but it is a definite bigger threat. The quest is too recent. The school could be destroyed anytime. I have a feeling it is going to be sooner rather than later though.

"Show me the destiny of the school, if I must choose."

Smoke swirls around me and makes me cough a few vicious times. As the smoke billows away, I notice the school, half destroyed, surrounded by a large undead army. In the air, I see the Green and Blue Phoenixes. The Red, Yellow, and Violet Phoenixes are nowhere to be found. The Orange Phoenix is circling around the school trying to fix defenses, tend to the dying, and provide zeal to our warriors. We are losing the fight, and the school obviously has the disadvantage. Most of our students lay dead around the school. At lease half of them are gone. This is how we will lose the war.

"This is in about a years time, Aris. This is what I am capable of doing. The undead army is commanded by one of my good friends. I have more friends though, and more deadly armies. Don't cross me. You don't want to fight this war, Aris. Im giving you a chance to join the winning side. This is a one time offer. What is your response?"

"I can't. If this is what you lead your armies to do, then I can't be apart of it. Thank you for the tips though, but I still have to kill you."

"Very well. I figured as much. You won't kill me on this mission. You are better off dying in the desert. I am sorry this didn't work out. My pity runs dry though these days. I could kill you now, but I still believe I have purposes for you. One day soon we will meet again, but it won't be a pleasant meeting. Oh, and by the way? You might want to brace yourself. Things got a little damaged as you fell.

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