The Chase

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"Hey, are you awake?" Kaela calmly asks waking me up from my dream as she stares down at me.

"Yes, I'm fine." I say pulling myself out of bed quickly. I hate it when people watch me sleep or wake me up. I obviously slept in my clothes.

"Where is Emilea? We can't waste anymore time. We need to go after the dragon." I say looking around the room determinedly.

"She went after the dragon last night. She couldn't sleep after I accidentally woke her up and she felt too angry and guilty for Rose's death. She felt like she didn't do anything to defend her so now she is going after the dragon to compensate for her weakness."

"What! Why didn't you stop her Kaela! You can't just let her go by herself!" I glare at her harshly. She recoils at my rage.

"Because I had to stay here with you! But now that you're awake and done thanking me for taking care of you and all of your dumb actions last night, I can go worry about important things. Like the dragon and Emilea." She shouts back. Her deep blue eyes flood with tears and she storms out of the room. I grab my stuff, which is only really my cylinder, and chase after Kaela. My father warned me about this and I am already disappointing him.

As I walk outside and I feel my onyx phoenix figurine vibrate. I look down at my wrist band I see that it had turned from black to red. This is what my father was talking about? It can change colors? I hear a large swooshing sound and I look around but didn't see anything.

"Hmm...that's weird..." I think to myself. I take a couple more steps forward and a giant red phoenix lands in front of me. I stumble backwards and the people around me who see the phoenix scream and run. The bird quickly flies to me and picks me up off the ground by the collar of my shirt, and it throws me in the air and I land on its back safely. Well, safely disregarding the bruises and loss of my breathing momentarily.

"Sorry about that." The phoenix speaks in a prideful apologetic way. "Emilea needs your help and I have decided to assist you. The red area is my territory and I don't want that beast messing with my borders, as well. Also, I was instructed to bring you there. Kill the dragon quickly, don't give him a chance to convince you otherwise or he will kill you first."

"How do I kill him?"

"How you would kill anything! With your powers of course. We have no more time to converse. We will arrive shortly and you will need to save your breath to defeat this enemy." The phoenix chuckles.

The red phoenix flies me past Hawaii, past islands and water, over a yellow desert, and down in front of a large geyser field in less than five minutes. It's the fastest ride I have ever been on. He slows and hovers close to the ground over desert next to a large cemetery and a giant building. I jump off his back and he quickly disappears. I sprint towards the building I know the dragon must be at. I become dehydrated in seconds and use nearly all my energy to get to the building. I stop and look at the building and notice how extravagant it is. It looks like a castle and the main door is gigantic. I grab a hold of the doors telekinetically and pull them slowly open. I run inside and see Emilea fighting the dragon by herself with a shield and javelin. Pure white marble filled the entire, barren room. I use my mind to grab the dragon, and I throw him through the marble wall. I grab Emilea and embrace her wholeheartedly.

"Don't leave me again, please." I say to her shoulder at the break of sobbing. Emilea hugs me back for a second and then she pushes me off of her.

"We have to kill it before it escapes." She commands and runs through the newly made hole in the wall. I run after the dragon beside her but I am twice as fast as Emilea is. As I run I quickly transform my cylinder into a spear. I reach ten yards in front of the dragon and it looks at me then breaths an inferno of fire. I make a quick force field and defend myself from the blast. When I glance back, I notice that Emilea is beyond his reach. The forcefield is movable, so I push it into him and he falls backwards. He stands back up quickly and I see fear in his eyes. I lust for his blood, enraged but strangely pleased. He turns to fly away but I mentally grab his tail. He pulls and struggles but he only moves inches at a time. I jump onto his tail and run up to his back.

"Emilea, jump on his back!" I yell stabbing my spear into his back. Emilea jumps but the dragon rips free of my hold and she misses. She stands on the ground looking dumbfounded and helpless. "Don't worry, I will be right back."

The dragon seems to be flying into the geyser field and he is jerking wildly trying to throw me off his back. I keep my spear lodged into his back to help support me on the dragon. The pain seems not to bother him too much. He blows fire, frustratedly, and starts to fly very close to the ground. He breathes fire at the geysers, causing them to erupt. He spins through the erupting geysers without being harmed, but I am not so lucky. The searing steam burns at my skin and I am barely able to keep my hold.

I see a blue phoenix flying towards us. The blue phoenix shoots a jet of water at the dragon and I hang on to spear with my life. As the blue phoenix reaches us the dragon charges at it, breathing fire. The phoenix sprays a watery mist against his flame, and she is unharmed. The phoenix claws at the dragon, scarring one of its eyes. The dragon retaliates, wounding the bird's wing with and it starts to fall.

"Kaela, jump!" I yell as the blue phoenix falls beside the dragon. She jumps safely from the phoenix and we watch as it falls and a plume of sand blows all around it. Kaela takes out her hand trident. We run along its back and we stab at the dragon's face. After I stab the spear three times through its neck and Kaela stabs through its eyes, it dies and falls straight to the ground.

"Brace yourself!" Kaela shouts. It crashes into a mound of sand and Kaela and I fall off of his back seven yards in the air and we get buried under tons of sand. When I fall I hear a loud crack and my right leg feels like it caught on fire. The burning pain makes me scream in agony. The sand around me fills my mouth and suffocates me, putting me into a deep trance.

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