The Rising of a Demon

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My eyes shoot open as I'm crouching down. The police officers stopped and are now staring at us in shock. This is our chance to escape, I think to myself. I start to notice that every time I use my magic I start getting more and more exhausted. I grab Rose's arm and we run across the street. The spellbound officers recover and start to chase us again. We run past a car and then jump over the hood of the next one that drives pass us. We see a small alley and we run towards it.

"Come on Rose, they are going to find us." I gasp breathlessly. We both run into the alley way glancing over our shoulders. After few more minutes of running, we find ourselves in a dead end.

"Think we lost them?" She asks me breathing very heavily.

"Maybe, Why are the police after you?" I ask curiously. She looks kind of scared to tell. My chest is still burning from all of the running.

"I can," She stopped, still considering if she should tell me. "I can control people's actions and beliefs. If you are wondering why I live alone, it is because my father died. My father and I always got into fights and one day when I was about thirteen, I- I told him he should go kill himself because I don't love him. I told him I never wanted him as a father and that I wish he would've died instead of my mother. He stood up with tears in his eyes and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a steak knife. Before I could apologize or stop him, he already stabbed himself. He didn't even give it a second thought. A week later, I went to court they said I wasn't guilty and that it was an official suicide. That is the day I first noticed I could control peoples actions by my commands. After school started and I hadn't went to school in a whole week, and the police arrived at my door. They thought my grandmother was watching over me because I convinced them that it was true. I was scared when I saw him and I slammed the door in his face. He broke down the door to chase me but I was already long gone. I escaped my house through the backdoor and didn't come back for months. Police officers have been looking for me ever since. I didn't think I would be able to make anymore lies and I was scared. It is too late now since all of the force knows about it."

I don't even know if I can believe her, but because of the situation, her eye color, and that it made more sense than what I can do, I don't really have a choice.

We hear their footsteps coming around the corner and see seven officers shooting at us. I recollect myself and run up the wall. Rose looks at me in shock and she falls to the ground and covers her head. I cover her with a force field and jump back and forth between buildings. I go into another adjacent alley from the roof and all of the police follow me thinking that Rose is dead.

"How in the world did i just run up that wall?" I ask myself shocked. As I run alongside the path, I rip chunks of the foundation out of the apartments making both sides of the alley unstable. I stop at a dumpster that stands right behind me at the end of this alley and smile as they walked straight into my trap. I forced energy from my mind and it knocks down both buildings. The only way I can explain it is like pushing water with an oar. I look at the destruction in awe and fear at the same time. Can police ever capture me on the island? I probably won't ever find out.

I run up the wall grabbing stones, pipes, and windowsills. I jump back down beside Rose and release my force from covering her.

"Hurry, we have to go." I say as I start to run back into the street. When I reach the street, I see three police cars pull up and cops jumping out of them with their guns pointed straight at us.

"Put your hands in the air!" A cop demands. I face my palms to the air and slowly raised my hands up. The cops are stunned as they watch their cars lift up into the air. After I raise the cars a few yards in the air, I blow them into the building on the opposite side of the street. I fall to my knees in pain and exhaustion. I already used too much power. I can barely move my arms. Just as I think I am going to get shot I hear guns clatter to the road asphalt. I glance up and notice they were floating in the air. I see the agents getting ripped apart and then squished together as one person. It is the most gruesome repulsive thing I have ever seen. This makes even the orc look like a mere puppy.

The person is made of complete muscle and blood and you can see the blood dripping from his body. He is seven feet tall and has bloody, muscular wings. He looks like a demonic angel almost but his eyes are beady like a hawk. He has a wicked smile and he catches on fire then flies at us. He has talons that reach out to rip us apart. He is the same demon from my dream.

I have seconds to react. I leap to my feet, throw my arms around Rose, and I try to teleport like i did about a hour earlier. I think of the island and we teleport back to the school grounds.

I'm glad to know that I was finally getting used to teleporting. Once I arrive back to the island, and I notice the Fire Steed standing a few feet from us, I realize my mistake. I remember how it killed Violet and feel the remorse flood over me again. Then I grow enraged. I create a sword out of force and start to charge at the stallion. The horse kicks me with its hind legs. I can't get up because of exhaustion and It is about to charge again until Rose jumps in the way and the horse charges at her instead and my whole body goes numb.

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