Harmless, Right???

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The next couple of days consist of me not talking to my mom and doing chores with Tyler. Same old same old.

Tyler seems be more quiet each day, and I wonder if I am a part in that. I haven't been in the greatest mood lately. Ever since witnessing my mom's disgusting flirting tactics, I haven't had a real conversation in a long time.

The sad thing is that I don't really care or want to talk to my mom anymore at this point. I know that may sound heartless, but what she did was wrong, and if she expects me to forgive her like that, she thought wrong.

So now I'm here, on a humid Friday, feeding the pigs garbage with Tyler. I can't say that I haven't got better at this chore thing, but just because I've gotten better, doesn't mean I enjoy it.

I watch Tyler as he expertly throws the foul pig's food into their pen. His muscles flex, and I have to admit he looks good. He has on a cowboy hat, a white t- shirt that hugs his chest, and a pair of jeans that hug his butt perfectly. Did I really just say that?

"Well we're done here." Tyler says, rubbing his dirty hands together.

"Finally." I groan, walking back to his truck.

"Wait I have something to ask you." he says, catching up to me.


"Well your mom wanted me to invite you to the bonfire on the lake tonight." he tells me.

"Look, I don't want to be a tag along. So I'm not interested and you can tell my mom that." I say, walking away from him.

I feel his arm grab onto mine, and I cringe at him. Thinking about all the dirt and scum that covers his hands. "It's not like that."

"Like what?" I ask, getting annoyed.

"Like that. I want you to come. I think you need to get around people other than me and your mom." he says with a humorous tone. I don't laugh.

"Who's going to be there?" I ask.

"Teens basically." he answers.

"Fine, but if it's as boring as this town, I will leave asap." I tell him.

He laughs at my snarky remark, and I just roll my eyes. I can't get over the fact that I think he is doing this out of pity. I mean does he think I'm just some antisocial loner. I want to tell him I have friends, their just spending their summer like normal teenagers should, happily. But I don't say anything, instead I hop into the passenger side of his truck, and try to enjoy the silent ride to the house.

Tyler tells me to be ready by 7 o' clock. I just nod at his words and enter the semi big house. My mom is sitting in the living room when I walk in, and I try my best to ignore her.

"Ava, can you come in here?' she says.

"No?" I say, stopping myself before going up the stairs.

"Now." she commands.

I groan in annoyance as I make my way into the living room. I lean against the wall, waiting for my mom to speak.

"You're not going to sit?"she asks.

"No." I simply state.

"Ok, well did Tyler tell you about the bonfire?"


"Are you going?"


"Oh ok." she smiles, but I don't return it.

"Whatever." I say, turning around, heading to the stairs.

Right asI'm halfway up the staircase,I hear her say, "You can't stay mad at me forever."

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