Kyle: At this moment, my reverse card activates: Forced Switch! Your monster is sent to the cemetary, and your weakest monster from your hand is summoned instead. Go ahead, summon your weakest.
Waku: That would be Treekai.
Airwing Skyward is sent to the cemetary, and Treekai is summoned instead.
Treekai's Stats: 1400 Attack, 1100 Defense
Waku: But Treekai is still stronger than Active Gear! Treekai, attack Active Gear!
Active Gear is destroyed, and Kyle's life falls to 3100.
Kyle: I activate Active Gear's Special effect. I can pick one Deactive Gear from my deck and put it in my hand.
Waku: Turn end.
Kyle: Draw! I had 2 Active Gears in my hand. I summoned one, and used its special effect to draw a Deactive Gear. My plan is now complete. FUSION! I fuse Active Gear and Deactive Gear from my hand. Be summoned: Functional Gear!
Kyle: Then I activate the magic card: Rusting Age! All monsters on my opponent's field rusts and become machine monsters. And this triggers Functional Gear's effect. It gains 200 Attack points for every machine monster on the field other than itself.
Functional Gear's New Stats: 2400 Attack, 2200 Defense.
Kyle: And this is still not all. I activate the magic card: Forced Summon! All Level-4 of lower monsters from my opponent's hand gets forcedfully summoned.