Chapter 8 ( Infectious experiments)

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Lucy's P.O.V.

All day yesterday, (Y/n) and I where playing this wonderful thing called a grand piano. I loved the sound it made when you pressed the white and black keys. I just wanted to bang away at and I really didn't believe (Y/n)when he said that one day I'd be able to create beautiful sounds like the tune of a music box. He said it was important that I remember what note each key made and that it was also important to build my sense of rhythm. Such things I found boring because I couldn't do the fun part of making music right away but it was also the most interesting. I don't know how long we stayed In the attic but once (Y/n) had decided for us to continue tomorrow it was already dark outside.

(Y/n) then bathed me and then cooked dinner for the two of us before we had gone off to bed. Still, the magical tune of the piano was stuck in my head and I couldn't sleep unless I heard it one last time. Knowing that (Y/n) couldn't possibly bring the piano down from the attic, he instead substituted it with his violin which was as equal lovely to hear. I looked in his face as he played and he looked like he put every effort into each note. This was the type of sound you could die to and feel so at peace with yourself. I closed my eyes in order to really capture every note of the violin but it was so soothing that I found my breath evening out and I had fallen asleep.

A few hours later, I had woken up in the dead of the night for no particular reason. It was quiet as I got up and went over to the room (Y/n) was sleeping in. He kind of looked dead except for the fact his chest rose and fell ever so slightly. I silently walked over to him and gently sat on top of him, peering into his sleeping face trying to look for some sort of sign. He was so nice to me that It was hard to believe that he was being so sincere or to think I had finally found a descent human in all this time to except me. He didn't see me as a monster and I didn't understand why but even if I never said anything I loved him for that.

I had learned my lesson about getting closer to others. In the past I did find a few other human in my youth who where my true friends and I'd do anything to protect them. Even so, I still managed to ruin their lives or just plain take it from them. I made a promise that I wasn't going to mess up this time. Not with (Y/n). He was special but in an even more mysterious way. The way I feel about him is much stronger and different than when I first met Kouta.

But that's when I remembered a conversation Kurama was talking about during the time I was locked away. He was saying how rare it was for any diclonious to feel attracted to a certain individual for purposes of procreation, since we really didn't have a need for a partner. We can infect humans to birth more of us. Though as Queen of the Diclonious that doesn't pertain to me. I've developed relationships before but I found that I wanted to be closer with (Y/n). Maybe something inside of me is telling me I want him for a mate and it was a little surprising to think about considering no diclonious has birthed a human child, it's usually the other way around. Still, I was curious. If a human male was infected with the vector virus and had a mate who was also human, they would always birth a diclonious but (Y/n) was a human male not infected with the virus and I wasn't human. Exactly what would I birth?

I didn't even realize I had withdrawn m vectors and inched them further to (Y/n)'s sleeping face. One light brush is all it would take but I was doubting whether I should do this or not and I never hesitated. Though if I didn't infect, another diclonious would and it would be inevitable and that alone made me go through with the decision. With one light touch y vectors went through (Y/n)'s head ever so carefully and pulled out as he shifted in his sleep....

Time skip......morning......

The next morning I was up early. Usually (Y/n) would be making breakfast but I knew he wasn't feeling well today. My assumption was proved right when I heard him coughing in the next room over. I got up and went to his room. He noticed me when I opened the door and weakly smiled at me. I hadn't actually witness someone suffer from the vector virus but it looked like he was suffering and seeing (Y/n) like this made me upset. A lot of new things I experienced was when I was "Nyu" but I still can't remember her past.

(Y/n): Good morning Lucy.....(cough)'s weird but I just woke up feeling like I had the flu or something....(cough cough)....I feel so wouldn't mind getting me a glass of water would you?

I nodded at (Y/n) before going towards the kitchen. Moments later I arrived with a glass of water in hand and helped (Y/n) to drink it. He thanked me before letting out a low sigh and looking up at me.

(Y/n): If your hungry I think I'm strong enough to make you something...

He said as he attempted to get up but decided to lay back down because of the pain.

Lucy: It's alright, I'll be fine.

I say, trying to not worry him.

(Y/n): Ok then....

he said tiredly.

This was my fault so I spent the day looking after him. (Y/n) looked like he wanted to tell me something as I put a cool wet rag on his forehead but then he suddenly fell asleep. I used my vectors to pull his blanket over him. I'll explain everything to him later but for now he just has to get through tomorrow.

Elfen Lied (LucyxMaleReader) Lillium's DescentWhere stories live. Discover now