Chapter 5 ( Destruction can be art)

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Reader's P.O.V.

Lucy and I ate dinner in silence. Occasionally I'd start some chatter and I was very happy when she gave me a response even if they were just one word. However, for every question I asked, Lucy seemed ready for me to ask a question pertaining to her and her horns but I never brought it up.

After dinner, it was pretty late. If I was tired, I knew Lucy was too so I started preparing for bed. I had managed to clear out somewhat of a room that a guest could stay in but it didn't have a bed. I had a futon but I didn't want Lucy on the cold hard floor while I was in a warm soft bed. As a girl, she deserved more than that and it was a gentlemanly thought so I let her sleep in my room while I took the futon.

I wished her a goodnight before going into the next room over and crawled into my futon. Just as I lay down I heard Lucy rustling around in my room. Maybe she was a restless sleeper and just occupied their mind until they got tired which was fine by me, as long as she wasn't a snorer or had like.....night terrors. Falling asleep wasn't hard for me especially after my belly was full with delicious food and my body was engulfed in warmness. Before I knew it I was out like a light.

Lucy's P.O.V.

It's not that I haven't been in the darkness most of my life but something about it at this very moment made it a little unsettling. I don't understand why this particular human was being nice to me and why I couldn't kill him. Why was he showing so much concern? Maybe it was all a lie and he was actually planning on killing me in my sleep. But no matter how much I tried to make this idea true, I couldn't. I looked into his eyes and I know that he knew I had horns. I was expecting to fine fear, disgust and confusion in his eyes but his emotions where so positive like he didn't care....Perhaps this particular human male was defective or at least that's what they called something that didn't act as it was suppose to . Like Nana for instance.

Still, he made this place feel like it was my home, filled with all the comfort I could need and yet I couldn't let my guard down, even to have a normal sleep, like when I use to be with Kouta. A part of me was afraid to. My vectors tended to wonder when I wasn't in control and what if I kill him without even realizing it until I wake up to see his blood spattered everywhere in the morning but even if that did happen, I wouldn't mind being rid of such feelings and maybe then, I'll have control of my vectors again....

Time skip to the morning.........

Reader's P.O.V.

 I felt myself coming back from a deep but good sleep as memories from last night flooded into my head as an imagine of Lucy appeared. I fluttered my eyes open to the blinding sunlight only to get an extreme pain in my chest. My (eye color) eyes where met with Lucy's red one's as I held back a startled scream. She appeared to have been staring at me while I was sleeping....possibly all night. I put a hand to my chest trying to steady my ever fast beating heart.

(Y/n): O_O Good morning.

Lucy: Hi...

Lucy said in a monotone voice and emotionless looking eyes.

(Y/n): Since we're both awake, I guess I'll go make breakfast. I hope you slept well.

I said as I got up from the futon, folded it and folded the blanket I was using while heading towards the kitchen. On my way there, I noticed the open door to my room that revealed a startling scene. Massive hand prints where all over the floor, walls and ceiling! If Lucy did that, how could I have slept through it and how did she manage to get hand prints on the ceiling. It looked like someone dipped their hands in paint and just went printing their hand all over the room only in this situation, there was no paint and the pressure applied to the wall ended up with hand prints making deep dents all over the room. It was kind of like art.....a destructive type of art.  However, I just casually shut the door and continued to the kitchen as if I never saw anything. Lucy was following after me but I lost her attention along the way since she was glued to the fish tank again.

(Y/n): You can feed them if you want.

I say as I grab a bottle of fish from the shelf near the fish tank and handed it to Lucy.

(Y/n): Just put a pinch. Not to sound mean but fish are mega stupid so if you put too much food they'll just keep eating and eating until their stomach explodes. Suicidal fish I tell you.

After learning this, Lucy made sure she didn't over feed the fish, not wanting to see them die but she looked happy to see them swim up to the floating food flakes and nibble them. They seemed to thank her.

While Lucy occupied herself with items around the house, I began cooking us a light breakfast consisting of eggs, strawberries, crepes and coffee. Breakfast had went by smoothly before I cleaned up when we were finished and got myself ready for the day. Lucy didn't seem to notice I was heading out until she looked up to see me in one of my suits.

(Y/n): I thought I'd take you shopping today. Wearing my clothes doesn't fit you.

I disappeared into the hall way closet and brought out a beautiful blue dress with red ribbons.

(Y/n): You can wear this until we come back from the store and I know what your thinking, why do I have this dress? Well, back in high school I was in a play but the lead female didn't show up because she was sick. I was the only other person who knew her lines because I borrowed the script and so the drama teacher begged me to take her place......long story short, I had to wear this....I's embarrassing, I only kept it for memories but it' the only thing I have for a girl and it looks like you can fit it.

I say as I handed it over to Lucy. After the little bath incident yesterday, you'd think I'd learn a thing or two from her but I didn't. After receiving the dress. Lucy just started to strip where she was as I quickly turned away, hearing the gentle sounds of swishing fabric and clothing dropping to the floor.

Elfen Lied (LucyxMaleReader) Lillium's DescentWhere stories live. Discover now