Chapter 34 -Cinnamon Roll

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A blissfully warm shower full of stolen kisses was just what the doctor ordered.

Standing under the droplets, watching them cascade down and trace the beautiful lines of Louis' body, makes me shiver with appreciation. Droplets rivet to his skin, caressing each centimeter. But his eyes are the most alluring. Beads of water cling to his delicate lashes, bathing his cheeks in moisture as he blinks. When he opens them, and traces them over my curves, I feel like the most ravishing creature in the world.

The rest of the world seemingly drifts away when Louis cradles me in his arms, standing under the gentle spray emanating from the shower head. He nibbles the sensitive spot where my neck meets the shoulder, sucking the wetness from my skin. Lou places gentle caresses up towards my chin, before lightly touching my lips with feathery tenderness. Our eyes lock, and he breathes into my mouth.

"Evynn, you are amazing. I want us to stay like this forever."

My breath hitches in my throat. The heartfelt sincerity of his words chokes off my witty reply, because in that moment, I know I want nothing more than to stay with him evermore. I press my lips firmly to his, and run my hands through his hair.

"Lou, I am yours as long as you want me."

I kiss his eyelashes, giggling gently as he scrunches up his nose up in response. I playfully tap the tip with my fingers, and squeal in delight as Lou tickles my flank. I try to push him away, placing my hands on his chest, but he only holds on tighter.

"I surrender!" I exclaim, laughing.

"Giving me the power, yeah? Whatever shall I make you do?"

"Pfft. Don't get ahead of yourself, Tommo," I respond in jest. I lower my voice and whisper. "I will never give up power. I just wanted you to get your prune-like hands off me."

"Oh yeah?" he replies.

"Besides, I'm still hungry. You owe some real food instead of figurative, suggestive imagery."

"Good point," Lou relents, playfully. " We have been in here a while, but it's hard to leave such a welcoming environment.  But we'd better get out.  Harry likes to takes ages in the shower and he gets a bit tetchy if I use up all the hot water."

"Poor baby. Probably takes a lot of water to clean those luscious locks," I say as I turn of the faucet and start stepping out of the shower. Thankfully, Lou had the foresight to grab another set of fresh towels for us. I grab one off the counter and start toweling myself dry before wrapping it around my torso.

"No!" Lou groaned. "Not you too! Girls are forever dying over his curls. Fair warning: don't talk about his hair in front of him. He will spend the rest of the day flipping it around and puffing it up for you.  It's non-stop and he leaves giant hair balls all over the place."

"How utterly obnoxious!" I replied with a smile. "I'm sure I could never imagine someone spending forever obsessing about their hair."

I eye the mop that covers Lou's head. He had just finished toweling it, and was spiking it delicately under his fingertips, arranging the strands perfectly. I continue to watch him, a smile creeping over my face at his obliviousness. Louis glances up at me momentarily and I raise my right brow, obviously smirking now. He self-consciously drops his hands mid fluff and sticks his tongue out.


"You jest, but I know you can't resist a taste of my cinnamon roll!"

"Your what?" I respond, starting to laugh.

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