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I sat on the couch next to Max. Joji got up to go take a shower, Chad sat on the couch across from us, and Ian was sitting on the ground in the kitchen catching his breath.
"What were you guys doing?"
"Video for my channel, sorry I forgot you were coming over"
"It's fine, it looked fun"
"It was hell" Ian yelled from the kitchen standing up. I laughed, "why are you guys covered in spaghetti?"
"Cause the fucking cunt pored it on us" Max said pointing at Chad across the room. Chad laughed, "I'm going to take a shower after Joji"
He said. "Yeah you should, you smell like a one star restaurant" I said as everyone laughed.
"shut up" he said playfully whining and shoving me. I did it back, then he did it back. I wasn't playing, I was ready to wrestle. I pushed him off the couch, then he grabbed me by the shoulders and playfully rolled on the ground with me. "What are you fucking gay?" Ian asked passing us down the hall. We stopped, he was on top of me on the ground. I stared into his deep blue eyes as he stared into my (y/c/e)
eyes. He then leaned down and kissed me. Lips on mine. They were soft, warm, and a light pink. We released and he stared at me in awe. I almost immediately sat up realizing what had just happened. At the same time we both looked at Chad who was staring at us with wide eyes. "W-W-Wha?" He mumbled.
"I-I I'm sorry (Y/N) I don't know what came over me, I just really think you're beautiful and-" he said before being cut off by me grabbing his t-shirt collar and smothering him with another kiss. When we released he looked to his right shocked. I looked at his right to see Ian and Joji staring at us with wide eyes. Joji shrugged and walked into the kitchen with a towel around his waist while Ian didn't even say a word and walked, rather quickly, to his bedroom and closed the door.
"(Y/n)?" Max asked, I released his collar and stood up with him at the same time.
"I should go in the shower" he said breathing longly out of his nostrils.
"Yeah I gotta go too, I'll see you later, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, see you later"
"Yeah, bye" I said hurrying out the door.

Max's POV
What just happened? I just kissed to woman of my dreams. (Y/N), I hope I didn't weird her out. I'll text her after my shower.
"That was fucking awkward" Chad said laughing. I rolled my eyes and stormed off into the bathroom.

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