The kiss

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We made direct eye contact with each other.
He finally broke it by checking his phone and walking in the house. I rolled my eyes going to go back in the car. Layla grabbed my hand and we headed towards the house. I immediately regretted going in. Sweaty bodies were touching on the dance floor. I looked over my shoulder to see Ian and Joji talking on the couch. Ian turned his head and our eyes met. He had a couple of drinks but then so did I. He was looking at me up and down as I danced with Layla. Joji was still talking to him but Ian wasn't listening. I had no idea where max was but didn't care to much about him.
"Let's go get another drink" Layla whispered in my ear. I nodded and followed her to the kitchen.
It was a couple hours later and I was completely shit faced. I had to go to the bathroom so I stumbled down the hall but it was occupied. So I stumbled up the stairs. I opened the door at the end of the long hallway. I saw Ian and some other girl. They both had their shirts off and stared at me. My eyes widened. "Y/N?" He said leaning away from the girl. My throat was dry, I shut the door and ran down the hall and into the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it. I looked in the mirror and saw my puffy curly hair and black eye makeup, God I'm a mess. I leaned down the door and sat there. I could here Ian yelling for me but he didn't know where I went. I just wanted to cry, my life is so messed up at this moment and the only thing I wanted to do was go home and go to bed. I stood up and looked at my reflection once more and busted the door open. I went back downstairs and tried finding Layla when suddenly a hand grabbed my arm. I turned to see Ian and I shook his hand off my arm. "Look I'm sorry"
"For what?"
"What happened up there"
"I honestly don't even care, like we're not dating so what does it matter"
"It's just you seemed a little-"
"Whatever you can hook up with random people so can I" I said walking away, Ian followed. "Don't you dare-" he said as I slammed my lips onto a random guy. At first he was stiff then his lips moved with mine. When we released Ian was gone, maybe he was a bad dream. "Uh hi" the guy said.
"Oh hi I'm Y/N" I said.
"I'm Lucas"
"Thanks for the kiss" I said patting his shoulder trying to leave.
"Wait can I get your number", I gave him my number and left to find Layla. Hopefully she's not hooking up with some guy. God Ian probably hates me right now.

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