Chapter 4 ~ The Handkerchief

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A/N: 11:11 11/11/16

"Yung bracelet ko!"

They have arrived in front of Leni's house, when she realizes that her most prized possession is gone.

Hindi ko yun pwedeng mawala!

It was the thing she treasured most after he was gone. It was his and she would always bring it with her wherever she went, a reminder that he was always watching over her.

"Kailangan kong bumalik 'dun!"

Leni begins to panic and walk away, but Digong holds her wrist and stops her.

"Hindi naman 'yun importante. Bumili ka nalang ng bago."

Leni harshly removes her arm from his grasp.

"Hindi! Importante yun!"

She angrily replied as tears brimmed from her eyes. She runs her hands through her hair and crosses her arms. She bites her bottom lip.

"Hindi yun pwedeng mawala...hindi..." she shakes her head and breathes heavily. "Importante yun...importante yun..."

Digong looks at her worriedly and sighs. He wasn't in the condition to argue with her, neither did he have enough strength to go and look for it right now. The wound he got from the fight was beginning to throb painfully.

"I will get it for you...baka nahulog lang dun kanina." He replies as he tries to calm her down.

"Talaga?" She glances at him hopefully.

"Ibabalik ko yon...promise." he raises one hand up.

This somehow calms her down and she wipes her tears dry.

"Sige na...pumasok ka na sa bahay."

She nods and heads to the gates, when she reaches it she stops and turns towards him.

"Thank you talaga ha?"

She smiles at him. He nods and smiles back, raising his hand a bit to wave at her.

When Leni disappears inside the gates Digong zips down his coat.

There was a deep gash on the left side of his stomach. He wasn't able to feel the pain when he was attacked earlier, probably because of the adrenaline rush.

It was the reason why he had to stop chuckling when he was talking with Leni earlier. When he felt the pain he looked down and immediately zipped up his coat just before Leni could notice it. Only the shallow gash on his arm had been noticed. Thankfully the blood did not sip out of his coat during the ride.

He inhaled sharply and zipped his jacket back up. He really did have to go to the hospital.

He revs up the engine of his motorcycle and the rides away.

His eye sight starts to fail him and his limbs feel numb. He held on dearly to his consciousness trying hard not to fall unconscious in the middle of the road.

It was impossible to ride his motorcycle in this situation.

He parks his motorcycle to one side. A few seconds later his body gives up on him and he drops to the ground.

With shaking hands he fishes his phone from his pocket and he dials a number.

"Bong...tulong..." he whispers through his phone.

He did his best to hide his pain from Leni, but his body was now starting to protest from all the beatings that he had gone through.

"Boss! Nasaan ka?" Bong nervously asks.

SERENDIPITY [DuBredo x BongLeni]Where stories live. Discover now