| Chapter Two |

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| Alfred |

The alarm clock beeped endlessly, as Alfred lazily reached over and banged on the snooze button. He missed a few times, causing the clock to move closer and closer to the edge. Eventually, Alfred balled a fist, and slammed it onto the clock. The clock whirred, and whined in protest, but the alarm had stopped.

Alfred groaned, and rolled over, squinting his eyes at the clock.

"Damnit...," he mumbled, pressing his fingers to his eyes.

The clock read 6:30 am, a time he did not enjoy getting up at.

He sat up, and stretched his arms above his head. Hearing a satisfying pop in his back, he sighed contently, dropping his hands to his lap.

Alfred fished for his phone under his pillow, and pulled it out, squinting and flaring his nose as the brightness blinded him. After he lowered the brightness, he checked his messages.

Time: 6:22 am
From: Kiku ✌🏼️
Alfred. I hope you're awake.

Alfred unlocked his phone, and typed back a response.

Time: 6:32 am
To: Kiku ✌🏼️
Just woke up. Why? What's up?

Alfred threw his phone behind him on the bed, and stood. He dragged himself over to the bathroom, and began running a cold shower. He brushed his teeth, and then stripped out of his clothes. He heard his phone ding, but decided to get into the shower first.

After a quick shower, Alfred wrapped a towel around his waist, and slapped his wet feet back into his bedroom. He picked up his phone, to see three new messages.

Time: 6:33 am
From: Kiku ✌🏼️
I need you to pick up a friend from the airport.
Time: 6:37 am
From: Kiku ✌🏼️
I'll take care of your shift while you're away. I'd do it myself, if I had a car.
Time: 6:43 am
From: Kiku ✌🏼️
Alfred? I really need to know soon. He arrives in less than an hour.

Alfred typed back a response.

Time: 6:57 am
To: Kiku ✌🏼️
Of course, Dude! Anything for a friend! Who am I picking up?
Time: 6:58 am
From: Kiku ✌🏼️
Time: 6:59 am
To: Kiku ✌🏼️
You mean that moody British guy you grew up with?
Time: 7:00 am
From: Kiku ✌🏼️
That would be the one.
Time: 7:01 am
To: Kiku ✌🏼️
Ha! Alright, Dude. I'll text you when I get to the airport. Ltr.
Time: 7:03 am
From: Kiku ✌🏼️

Alfred placed his phone on the charge, and began getting dressed. He threw on a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and his 'can't-leave-the-house-without' bomber jacket. He slipped on a pair of black-and-white converse, grabbed his car keys, and was out the door.


Alfred munched loudly on the McDonald's he bought on the way to the airport. He was parked outside Gate B, and ignored any person that gave his sports car an envious look. A quick glance of his dash read 7:42am.

"Hmm," Alfred said to himself, "I wonder what time Arthur's plane lands."

Alfred went to grab his phone to ask Kiku, but realized it wasn't in his pocket. He dropped the soda his was slurping on into the cup-holder and began frantically searching his car for his phone. Not under the seat, not beside the seat, in the glove box, or side-arm compartment. Not in the back, or in any of his pockets. Where could it-

Alfred sucked in a breath, "Shoot."

He left it on the charge at home. Alfred scratched his head quizzically, and pondered - how would he know which one was Arthur?

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