| Epilogue |

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Arthur sat at the kitchen table, biting his lower lip as he cautiously cut open a shipping box. Suddenly, the front door the apartment, causing Arthur's blade to slip. He winced as it cut straight across his left palm. Arthur whipped around, pressing his hands together to try to stop the bleeding.

"Damn it, Alfred!" Arthur shouted.

Alfred's eyes widened, "Hey, Artie! Dude not cool I just-," Alfred stopped when he saw the pain in Arthur's expression, "Artie?"

Alfred dropped his bomber jacket and rushed to Arthur. Arthur held out his hand, blood dripping down his forearm and splattering onto the floor. Arthur frowned at his stained sleeves, biting his lip as he grimaced in pain.

"Arthur," Alfred whispered, delicately inspecting the wound, "I'm so sorry..."

Arthur looked away, "Just...get the kit..."

Alfred's face dropped into a broken expression. He nodded his head, and began to scuffle through the kitchen drawers. He pulled out a metal case, planting it on the table. Alfred hummed sadly, opening the case. Arthur placed his hand on the table, palm-up. Alfred cleaned the wound, a frown on his face. With his gentle touch, and sorrowful demeanor, Arthur was beginning to feel guilty for reacting that way. It wasn't Alfred's fault that the house startled him - it truly was an accident.

After Alfred bandaged the cut - thanking internally that the cut was only long, and not see - he stood and wandered back over to his jacket.

"Alfred...," Arthur called, getting up after him.

Alfred bent down, picking up jus jacket from the floor. The same jacket he was wearing when he first met Arthur two years ago - to pick him up at the airport as a favor to Kiku. Who would've known...that after all this time...

Arthur pushed the jacket away from Alfred as he latched him to Alfred's front. He wrapped his arms around Alfred's mid-section, pressing his forehead into Alfred's shoulder. Alfred wrapped his arms around Arthur, holding him close and squeezing him tight.

It had been two years, and in that time, they had learnt every bit of each other, their love never faltering - sure they bickered here and there, but that was all part of a healthy relationship.

Alfred eventually pulled away from Arthur, pulling the jacket around, digging his hands into the pockets.

"Arthur...I got something here for you, dude."

Arthur cocked an eyebrow, turning to look at the jacket. Alfred pulled something out, gripping it in the palm of his hand. With his other hand, he took Arthur's good hand, leading him to the couch and sitting him down.

With the shyest smile Arthur ever saw, he watched as Alfred dropped down onto one knee. Arthur had no clue as to what was happening, as Alfred delicately took both of Arthur's hands in his own. Both amulets were glowing brightly, and burning skin, but at this point in their lives, neither of the blondes ever noticed it.

Alfred sucked in a breath, "Arthur...I love you. With everything I have," Alfred pulled Arthur's hands closer to him, pressing them softly against his chest, "And I know - that I'll never be with anybody else because I'll always have you."

Arthur smiled, a few stray tears falling down his face as he realized what was happening, he choked up a little bit, as he responded, "I love you too, Alfred."

With a wide, shy smile. Alfred released Arthur's hands, revealing the small, velvet box he was holding onto. Alfred opened the box, to reveal a silver band. He pulled it out, dropping the box as he cautiously took Arthur's bandaged hand, holding the silver band up. Shimmering on the side, was an engraving, it read their ship name their friends simply loved to use - USUK.

"Arthur," Alfred asked, his smile widening, "Will you marry me?"

Arthur was in tears, sobbing as he nodded his head, Alfred sliding the band onto his ring finger, "Yes! Yes of course, you bloody...gift!"

Arthur threw his arms around Alfred, peppering the American with kisses. Alfred chuckled, finally catching the Brits lips in a smooth kiss. Alfred pulled Arthur up to his feet, "Come on...her dressed! I'm sure Kiku would love to hear the news in person."

Arthur wiped his few remaining tears, "Yes, but ah...," Arthur looked down at his hand, "I believe I will need assistance."

Alfred chuckled, following Arthur into their bedroom, "Sure, Artie...," Alfred paused.

Arthur chuckled, "Yes...I'll reward you. My hand may not work," Arthur winked, "But my mouth works fine I assure you."


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