| Chapter Three |

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Arthur leaned his seat back, and adjusted himself into a comfortable position. He was waiting in the car while Alfred went to retrieve his bags - after Arthur made a fuss over the sign, Alfred chuckled and gave him the chance to sleep.

Arthur sighed, and rubbed his tired eyes. This American was clearly going to give him trouble, he was much too brash and bold.

Arthur tilted his head towards the window, staring at the sleepless reflection of himself. As he continued to stare, he could see his stone glow a certain color - green: Indicating a content Arthur.

Arthur furrowed his eyebrows: He wasn't content, he was stressed, frustrated, and quite tired. Sometimes, Arthur was truly convinced that his stone was defective - and that was why he had yet to find his Soulmate.

Honestly, he wouldn't know where his Soulmate was - even if they sat right next to hi-

"Hey, Dude," Alfred said, climbing into the driver's seat, and closing the door, "I put all your bags in the trunk - so..." Alfred shot Arthur a beaming smile, "Where to?!"

Arthur scoffed at the amount of energy this young-American had, "Anywhere but here," he mumbled.

"Alrightly, Dude!" Alfred exclaimed, turning on the ignition and speeding off from the Gate terminal.

Arthur clicked his seat belt into place, and closed his eyes. The road was too disoritentating, everything was switched to the opposite side than where they were supposed to be. Arthur listened intently as the American hummed a nameless tune to himself, speeding and swerving the car this way and that.

As Arthur was near to drifting asleep, he jolted, eyes flying open, a loud gasp escaping his mouth.

Alfred was stopped at a red light, as he turned to Arthur, concern shining in his eyes, "Are you okay, Dude?"

Arthur nodded his head, rubbing the exposed skin near his shirt-collar, "I don't know what bloody happened...my stone it just..." Arthur stopped rubbing the patch, and shifted his fingers down to touch the stone.

"Your stone did what?" Alfred asked, curious.

Arthur pressed hard on the stone, forcing it into the bare skin, "Nothing..." he mumbled, turning towards the window, "I must've imagined it."

Alfred just shrugged his shoulders, and gunned the acceleration as the light conviently turned green.

Arthur continued to fiddle with his circular-shaped stone, begging it to give him some sort of sign.

Because for a moment there, Arthur could've sworn that his stone had begun to heat-up - and that he might've actually felt the warmth.


Arthur had eventually drifted off to sleep, leaving Alfred alone to his own thoughts. He couldn't help but think of all the things Kiku had told him about Arthur - this very odd, yet striking attractive British male. Alfred had always wanted to meet him - sometimes, Kiku spoke nonstop about Arthur - now, was Alfred's chance.

What he hadn't expected, was a moody blonde that grumbled and moaned at all his 'American' jokes.  Alfred chuckled to himself, and peeked over at Arthur while stopped, once again, at a red-light.

Arthur was fast asleep, the side of his head resting against the window. His light-blonde hair had fallen over his face, and obscured most of his features. From what Alfred could see, Arthur had flawless, pale skin; a short, slightly pointed nose; long black eyelashes: plump, pink lips. Traveling further, Alfred took note of the green sweater-vest he wore over a white collared shirt. He wore a pair of brown pants, tucked into a pair of light brown boots. Alfred furrowed his eyes at the strange British apparel.

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