| Chapter Nine |

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(WARNING: Contains Sexual Themes)

Arthur blushed furiously as Alfred hovered over him. His eyes shining bright with lust; His lips were slightly parted as he panted.

"A-Alfred," Arthur stammered, his eyes widening.

Alfred leant down, and kissed Arthur's neck gently, starting closer to his shoulder, and making his way to the hollow.

"A-Alfred...," Arthur bit his tongue as Alfred skimmed over a soft spot.

Arthur pressed his hands against Alfred's shoulders, and pushed back slightly.

"Alfred," Arthur said, more assertivity in his voice, "...I'm frightened."

Alfred's gaze softened, and he shot Arthur that smug toothy-grin he always had, "Don't worry, Artie!" He leant down and kissed Arthur's forehead softly, "I promise to be careful...I will worship your body, and treat you like a God. We can go slow...and steady," Alfred looked Arthur in the eyes, "And if you don't like it...or if you're in pain...say the word and we can stop," Alfred's smile softened, "And we don't have to do it ever again if you chose."

Arthur's eyes were wide, and his mouth was slightly agape. His heart was pounding, face flushed.

"Alfred..." Arthur gasped, his mind racing, "I..."

Alfred kissed Arthur into silence, pulling back slightly he whispered, "No matter what you chose...I know you're the one for me...I'll love your pretty butt either way."

Arthur couldn't help but giggle and blush like a teenage girl. He looked once more into Alfred's eyes, and knew that he spoke the truth.

Arthur moved his hands to behind Alfred's neck, and pushed down; Connecting their lips, Arthur allowed Alfred entrance, a heated, passionate kiss turning wild.

Alfred lived to his word. He took things slow and deliberate with Arthur. He worshiped his body, making sure to leave his mark in every place possible.

When Alfred finally entered, Arthur had let out a painful hiss; Tears sprung to his eyes as he bit his lower lip. Alfred waited for Arthur, waiting for him to adjust. Eventually, Arthur released the breath he was holding, looking up at Alfred and nodding slowly.

Alfred was cautious with his actions, his movements slow at first, until he was given permission by Arthur to sped up.

Their union was not fast-passed, or filled with fiery passion. It was slow, and deliberate. It was need and desire, by a sense of feeling each other in every way possible. Emotionally, physically, spiritually. It was like a dance. A dance of grunts, whimpers, and whispered moans of each other's names.

Eventually, when they ended as one and the same, Alfred slipped out, sliding into place next to Arthur. He wrapped his arms around Arthur, pressing the Brit's back to his chest. Arthur curled into the hold, blushing still with an uncontrollable smile.

Panting slightly, Alfred breathed, "That was my first time..."

Shocked Arthur responded, "W-What?"

Alfred chuckled, still out of breath, "I wanted my first time to be special...with someone I loved."

Alfred peppered Arthur's war with kisses.

"And I love you, Artie."

Arthur could feel his heart drop to his stomach, surrounded by butterflies and salty tears from his face.

"I...," Arthur sobbed softly, joyfully, "I love you too, Alfred."

Alfred pulled Arthur closer, allowing the Brit to cope with his new found love, and Soul Mate.

Soulmates (A Human!AU: USUK - Hetalia FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now