| Chapter Seven |

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Arthur's eyes shot open, as he felt himself being thrown onto what he assumed was a bed. He attempted to sit up, but something pinned him down. Arthur eye's widened, as he looked up and realized it was Alfred. His eyes had a strange glint, and a wide smirk was plastered onto his face.

"A-Alfred?" Arthur stammered, trying to squirm out of his grasp, "What the bloody hell are you doing?"

Alfred leant down, their faces centimeters apart, Arthur's face heated up, and he tried turning away, "A-Alfred! Stop this nonsense!"

Alfred took this opportunity to press his lips to Arthur's exposed next. Arthur gasped, and froze. Alfred continued to trail kisses along the hollow of Arthur's neck, working his way up and along Arthur's jawline. Alfred hummed, and chuckled lightly. Arthur could fell his body melt under Alfred's touch, but his heart was beating fast and his mind was just screaming 'RUN'.

Arthur reached his hands up, and began pounding them against Alfred's chest, "S-Stop this!" He whined, "Stop it, this instant! Stop right now or else I'll-"

Alfred chuckled once more, silencing Arthur by connecting their lips together. Arthur tensed up, his entire body heating up. He arched his back, and felt his legs go numb. Alfred took this moment to reach down, and run a hand along the inside of Arthur's leg. Arthur panicked, and pushed Alfred's shoulders. The American didn't seem phased, and continued to kiss Arthur. Arthur didn't even realize it - but he was hungrily kissing Alfred back. Before he knew it, Arthur was wrapping his arms around Alfred's neck, and pushing on the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. Alfred had taken this time to unbutton Arthur's trousers, and to pull them down slightly. Arthur had begun to throb, and reacted immediately to Alfred's delicate touch.

"Arthur," Alfred whispered, pulling back to kiss along his collarbone.

Arthur panted, and tugged at Alfred's hair.

What was going on? Why was this happening? They just met for crying out loud! This isn't how flat mates were supposed to act. This was wrong...this was so very wrong. But oh....OH....why did it feel so good? So....right?

Arthur gasped as Alfred nipped at him, most likely leaving a red mark on his porcelain skin. Arthur closed his eyes, and dropped his head back.



"Artie? Hey! Dude! Wake up!"

Arthur's eyes shot open, he sat up, and looked around frantically. He looked at Alfred, and felt his face turn five shades darker.

"A-Alfred," he stammered, his mouth suddenly feeling incredibly dry, "W-What happened?"

Alfred scratched the back of his neck, "Well, we started up the movie again after Kiku left, and you kind of knocked out on me. I figured it was just the jet lag, so I thought I'd leave you alone. But Dude, after like, twenty minutes, you started tossing and turning, moaning and stuff - I was worried you were having a nightmare!"

Arthur's eyes widened, and a large blush crawled across his face, "Y-Yes," he stammered, "T-Thank you for waking me."

Arthur stood, looking everywhere but at Alfred, "If you'll e-excuse me...I have to use the loo."

Arthur squeezed past a worried-looking Alfred, and dashed into the bathroom. He closed the door, and locked it behind him. He began pacing, arms crossed, eyebrows knitted.

Rumor is, that you do not have 'wet dreams' unless you are in the same room as your soul mate.

Arthur shook his head, and paced faster - Alfred couldn't be his soul mate - they had just met!

Arthur breathed faster, anxiety running through his veins - he had only known the bloke a day - a few hours! How could he already feel this way? How would he already know? What could give the idea that Alfred was his soul ma-

The signs. They were all there. The dreams, the anxiety - the stones.

Alfred's stone was canary yellow - overjoyed. How did Arthur know this? - Soul Mates are the only other person to understand your colors - Alfred was overjoyed when Arthur was in his presence. Arthur's stone - whenever Alfred touched him, it heated up to painful temperatures, burning his skin numerous amounts of times. And lastly, Kiku - he knew, didn't he? This was his plan - wasn't it? That dirty, sly, two-timing, conniving Japanese Bast-

"Artie?" Alfred called, knocking on the bathroom door, "Everything alright, Dude?"

Arthur stood on the other side of the door, his hand glued to the knob.

There was only one last thing to do - tell Alfred his new-found discoveries.

What would he think? They just met - how would he react? What if he was wrong, and Alfred's stone wasn't acting the same way? Arthur had heard stories - stones acting for one person only. Those people usually end up alone...or don't find their soul mate until they've already lived out their time.

Arthur gulped.

"Artie? Dude?! Please, man - I'm worried."

There was only one thing to do...

Arthur mumbled quietly to himself, begging himself to turn the knob.

He sighed, "Here goes nothing..."

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