| Chapter Four |

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(#Wattpad10 and #JustWriteIt)

Arthur lifted his head from his empty bed, tilting it curiously as he looked out his bedroom, into the rooms beyond.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" Arthur called out.

Alfred peeked into the bedroom, a cell phone in hand, "I'm ordering pizza, Dude!"

Arthur rolled his eyes, and dropped his head back down. He felt his eyes begin to flutter closed, when something blocked the light from the window. Arthur's eyes shot back open, to find Alfred hovering over him.

Arthur yelped, and scrambled backwards, "W-What do you think you're doing?! You bloody git?!"

Alfred smiled, slightly amused, "Just...looking at you."

Arthur blushed, "Well, there isn't much to look at - so stop it!"

Alfred's smile widened, and shook his head, "Are you sure about that, Dude?

Arthur blushed, rolling over and throwing the covers over his head, "Get out!"

Alfred just chuckled, and held his hands up, "Alright, Artie - no need to get your panties in a bunch, Dude."

Arthur grit his teeth, peeking his head out from the covers, and spatting at Alfred's back, "It's Arthur! And I don't wear panties - you pervert!"

Arthur slipped back under the covers, his face covered in a crimson blush. If this was how this brash American was always going to act - they were going to have quite a problem. Arthur gasped, his hands reaching up to clutch his stone - but nothing occurred. He sat up, the covers falling off his head. He pulled on the string, so that the stone was in his line of sight. Once more, it was glowing a soft green - content. Arthur couldn't help but feel confused once more - how was he content? He was confused, more than anything. There were a stream of emotions flowing through him that he had never felt before - what could all of this mean? Arthur yanked on the cord, snapping the string, and holding the necklace in his hand.

"Obviously defective..." Arthur grumbled to himself.

"Artie! Pizza's here, Dude!"

Arthur sighed, and stood from the bed, slipping the stone into his pocket. He left the bedroom, huffing and crossing his arms at the sight before him.

"Dude! Why are you still in those clothes? Put on your jammies already!"

Alfred had created comfy movie-watching spots on the couch, pizza laid out on the coffee table which was pushed to the side - various horror movie DVD cases spread out on the floor.

Arthur sighed, and rolled his eyes, "What do you think you're doing."

"Why," Alfred said with a chuckle and a wink, "I'm getting to know my new, attractive, roommate."

Arthur blushed, and turned his head away, "Alright you git...I'll go change. I'm not going to change for you...I'm just bloody hungry."

Alfred chuckled, and shot his fists in the air, "Awesome, Dude!"

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