| Chapter Six |

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(#Wattpad10 and #JustWriteIt)

Alfred sat on the couch, leaning back to look into the open kitchen. Arthur and Kiku were sitting at the kitchen island - catching up with each other in person. Alfred sighed, and turned his attention back towards the TV - where he was playing the newest top-quality American video game. He felt kind of tired, and his eyes fluttered closed. As his character yelled, and died on-screen. He jolted awake, and went back to playing the game.

In the kitchen, Arthur was laughing at something Kiku was saying.

"It does not matter how much I protest, he insists on my bringing of horror movies and video games," Kiku smiled, and shook his head, "He is quite the 'scaredy cat' as the Americans say."

Arthur chuckled, and shook his head, "I have seen it firsthand - the movie had only begun and he was already hiding under the covers." Arthur leant forward in his chair, "He insisted that he was not afraid when he clearly was."

Kiku nodded his head, "Yes, he tends to do that."

Arthur smiled, "Yes, and afterward I called him a coward, he bolted upright and claimed that he was a 'hero', and he...he..."

Arthur's face suddenly turned bright red. His pants pocket began to burn again. Arthur reached in, and grabbed whatever it was. He hissed, and threw it onto the table, rubbing his hand gently.

Kiku cocked an eyebrow at him, "Arthur-san...are you alright?"

Arthur nodded his head, "This damn stone is bloody defective," Arthur hissed, "It is always showing me the wrong colors, and now it's burning my bloody hand! It's never gotten this hot before-"

Arthur froze, his eyes unconsciously wandering over to where Alfred was sitting.

Kiku followed his gaze, a small, knowing smile, creeping onto his face.

"Arthur-san?" Kiku said, a plan running through his mind, "When did the stone start getting hotter?"

Arthur gulped, looking down at the burned flesh on his hand, "S-Since I arrived in America...w-why?"

Kiku shook his head, "Nothing." Kiku looked at the time, "Oh dear, I have stayed too long. I have to get going."

Arthur stood up as well, "B-But Kiku," he stammered, "You just got here."

Kiku gave Arthur a small smile, and nodded, "I came to check if you arrived alright. From what I can tell - you are doing better than 'alright'."

Kiku walked over to Alfred, leaning down and whispering something into the American's ear. Alfred immediately straightened up, his character dying on the screen. As Kiku walked towards the front door, Alfred dropped his remote and turned to face the Japanese man. His eyes were wide, the blue-sparkling with mystery.

Arthur couldn't help the butterflies in his stomach. He grit his teeth, and sadly pulled his gaze away from the American. He walked Kiku to the door, sadly looking at his best friend, "Are you sure you can't stay a while longer?"

Kiku shook his head, "I am sure, Arthur-san. Besides, I do not believe you will want me here now."

With a sly smile, Kiku walked down the hall, and disappeared into a conveniently open elevator.

Arthur sighed, and closed the door, locking it behind him. Arthur walked back to the kitchen table, and picked up his stone. Once again - it was green. Content. Arthur bared his teeth.

He reared up like he was going to throw it, "Stupid...bloody...thing!"

Before Arthur could throw it, another hand came, and wrapped around Arthur's hand with the stone.

"Dude...those things are special."

Arthur turned to see Alfred, holding onto Arthur's hand gently. Slowly, he pushed open Arthur's hand, and grabbed the stone. Alfred pointed at his own stone - a triangle shaped, canary-yellow stone.

"Everyone has a special one, made just for them," he said, threading a new rope through the stone.

Arthur couldn't stop staring at Alfred's stone. It was such a bright yellow, canary yellow. Arthur didn't know how he knew what color it was, but he also knew what characteristic it stood for - overjoyed.

Alfred tied the rope, and looked up at Arthur. Arthur held his breath as Alfred's sparkling blue eyes pierced into his emerald green ones.

"Please...don't take this off," Alfred said, smiling wearily, "You should be lucky to have such a charm."

Arthur stayed still as Alfred gently brought the rope over Arthur's head, the stone resting perfectly in between Arthur's collarbones. Alfred chuckled, brushing a few strands of hair behind Arthur's ear.

"You brits sure are something," Alfred said.

Arthur was about to retort, but felt the world freeze as Alfred leaned down, and pressed his lips to Arthur's forehead. Immediately, the stone began to burn Arthur's skin, and he nearly yelped out in pain. The moment Alfred pulled back, the burning had ceased.

"Now come on, Dude!" Alfred exclaimed, going back to his usual noisy self, "Let's finish watching that scary movie!" Alfred wiggling his fingers at Arthur. He ran around turning all the lights off, and drawing the curtains. He grabbed his bowl of popcorn, and hopped over the couch to his blanket spot.

Arthur stood frozen a few moments longer, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

"Dude~," Alfred whined, "I can't play it without you~."

Arthur snapped out of his daze, rolling his eyes and groaning loudly, "I'm coming. I'm coming...," he said, walking around and sitting back down in his couch spot. He pulled the blankets around himself and huffed, "Bloody coward..."

Alfred pressed play, and whipped around, "What was that?"

Arthur chuckled, "Nothing, Alfred...nothing at all."

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