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^^^^^That picture is further proof you should not take any of these things seriously. If you have somehow stumbled across this book, please know that I don't usually do this, I'm just a bit bored. If you would like to check out the other books I've written, I do think they are considerably better, so please read those if you would like reasonable and serious stories. Thanks!

An explosion rocked the boat, sending unseen odds-and-ends rolling about the cabin, and a girl, wearing her nightgown, clinging to a support beam. As the boat steadied—or came as close as it could to steadying—she scrambled to gather her things. Flashes of light lit up the night sky, and more explosions mixed with the yells of the crewmen fighting off the opposing ship.
The girl had just stuffed some of her clothes and necessities into a carpet bag, when she heard loud footsteps quickly making their way toward her cabin.
Fearing for her life, she dropped her bag and grabbed an object from the floor to use as a weapon. Poised and ready to strike, she waited for the door to open.
Finally, it revealed the intruder, and she was just about to launch her attack, when she realized it was her long time friend and mentor. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth as she recognized her tutor. The sigh attracted his attention, and he turned to find her holding her improvised weapon. First, surprise showed on his face, but it quickly changed to urgency as he told her, "Put that down and follow me. Now!" Jolted into action, she dropped her weapon—only now realizing it was a simple pen—and threw on a robe, tying it around her waist before grabbing her bag, and filling it with as many things from her cabin as she could.
"Quickly," her tutor shouted, already making his way toward the stairs that led to the top deck. She scrambled after him, labored by her now, heavy bag.
Finally, they reached the open night air. A gentle breeze billowed the robe and nightgown around her. She paused, almost overwhelmed by the activity of the crew as they tried to defend the ship from the attackers. Then she looked out past their ship, to the waters being churned by the opposing craft.
The black sails and dark paneled hull made it almost impossible to spot in the night. The only indication of its existence, besides the waves it created, were the orange flashes of canons firing.
Captivated, the girl stood watching as the pirate ship advanced. She would have continued to watch if her tutor had not grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the opposite side of the ship.
The girl shook out of her trance and focused on what was in front of her. The captain, dressed regally with a sword attached to his side, addressed the girl and her tutor, "You will take this longboat to shore. We aren't far out, but this is as close as we can take you. From there, you should follow this map," he handed a faded paper to her tutor, "It will take you to the nearest town. You'll be safe there." As he turned away, and her tutor helped two of the crewmen put supplies into the smaller boat, she heard him mumble, "You'll have a better chance on land at least..." The comment made her shiver, and she was quick to enter the longboat when one of the crewmen offered a hand.
As the boat was lowered into the water, the girl's stomach kept twisting into knots. She sent worried glances to her tutor, but he was busy fixing the oars. Finally, the boat was released onto the water, and her tutor set off.
About halfway to the shore, the yells from the ship became louder, and the girl turned to look back. She caught sight of the two crews in combat, before her tutor, trying to distract her, said, "Don't worry. Captain Richards and his crew are the best in the Navy."
More yelling came from the ship. This time it seemed to be aimed at them. The girl resisted the urge to glance back, but couldn't help looking at her tutor in fear. He returned her desperate look with a reassuring smile, but he had uneasiness in his eyes and his calm rowing sped up.
When they had almost reached land, her tutor began to instruct her, "Do you see that path that goes up the hill and into the forest?" She squinted and gazed beyond his shoulder. It the dark night it was hard to find the path, but finally she spotted it. She nodded to show she had seen it.
"That's the path that leads to the village. That path and only that path will be the one we take. Understand?"
She nodded again, feeling better now that she had a sense of direction, and that the bottom of the boat was scraping sand.
Her tutor stepped into the water and began to drag the longboat up onto the beach. Just as he offered her a hand to exit the boat, a shot rang out. Her tutor crumpled to the ground in front of her. The girl screamed. Frozen in fear, she could hear the faint shouts of excitement coming from behind her. The pirates were catching up.
More bullets started to whiz by, and the girl jumped from the boat. With tears pricking her eyes, she grabbed her bag, and began to run up the path. She ran away from the lifeless body of her tutor, a single bullet hole through his head. She ran away from the ship that had carried her from home, now slowing burning in the ocean. She ran away from the beach, where the pirates would soon be landing.

Like, wut? What even is this?

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