Screw Logic!

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To anyone outside of the conversation, the sound of the two women fighting might have been cause to call for help. Of course, everyone in the apartment building was familiar with the few, but raging arguments and knew not to disturb them. The few tenants that had tried to break up the fights, had gotten themselves sent to the nearby hospital. These women let nothing stand in their way. Even though the arguments were few between, they were viscous.
The two women were sisters, and had lived together for their entire lives. Only two years apart, they had been inseparable. Then they decided to get an apartment together, after the youngest graduated from high-school. They fit well together, and hardly had issues. Perhaps this was because they were like yin and yang. So different, yet small dots that made them the same. Perhaps they bonded after their parents' divorce. But all of this was only educated guesses from the other tenants.
Though it is stereotyped in many sibling relationships that the oldest is wisest and most responsible, and the youngest is firery and risk taking, it was the opposite for these two particular women. The older of the two had to drag her younger sister to do anything 'fun', as she called it. The younger had a steady job, payed the rent on time, and did the shopping. The older occasionally had a job, and mostly focused on art and music. Other than the apparent things that had been noticed about them, the two women were a mystery.
No one knew the reason behind the current argument, but that didn't bother anyone. It was none of their business. And they didn't want to know...

The sounds coming from the apartment were loud and almost frightening. No one could really make out what they were shouting about, but if a person was just inside that apartment...

One sister shouted, "We can't! We just can't!"
"Why not? Answer me that! Why the frick not?!" The other sister returned, just as loud.
"Because...! We just...! Think about it! Think about it logically for a moment!"
"No! Screw the logic! This is the chance of a lifetime!"
"Don't you think I know that?!"
The older sister threw her hands into the air as she asked, frustratedly, "Then why don't you want to go!?" She was confused on why her sister would deny such a chance.
"What if it's not everything we think it's going to be?" The younger sister's fist's clenched as she quieted. The older didn't hesitate before replying, "So what?! We have to take that risk! It'll be worth it! I promise you!" The younger of the two rubbed her arms, and looked as if lost in thought. The older sister came close and put her hands on her sister's shoulders. With a much quieter voice, she told her, "This is exactly what we've always wanted. What /you/ have always wanted." The sister looked down and mumbled, "I know. It's just..." She trailed off, and the older sister backed up to see her in entirety.
"What? It's just what?"
Her arms crossed in impatience. Her sister looked up at her. Her body tense, hands tightly gripping her elbows, and tears welling up in her eyes, "I-I'm scared."
The older sister raised her eyebrows, and blurted, "Well that's stupid." The younger huffed. Anger drying the almost tears.
"Don't be scared. I'm the one that takes care of the tough stuff, remember?" The younger sister stayed silent for quite some time. Neighbors perked up at such a change in volume, but still none could hear their conversation.
Finally, the youngest sighed in defeat, "Alright, but I'm holding you accountable for anything that happens." She added, pointing accusingly at her sister. The older one smiled slyly and said, "Then what are we waiting for?"

The two sisters disappeared that day. No one knew where they went. Of course no one noticed anything was different until the rent wasn't paid. It wasn't like the youngest to miss a month. Finally, the police inspected their old apartment. It was covered with dust. Untouched for quite some time.
No one knew what happened to them. But everyone wondered... What had they gotten into?

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