The Rebellion

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Background (Because I think you might actually need background for this, if you're even still reading this stuff...): I wrote out this idea forever ago, a little bit after Thor: The Dark World came out. It was my idea of how they might handle things when everyone found out Loki had stolen the throne. Made for a sort of reader insert thingy, I guess, but I'll certainly never write it, so whatever. Plus, with Thor: Ragnarok coming out soon, this is pretty much useless now. Nevertheless, I'm posting it here because it's been sitting for so long and I'm tired of looking at it honestly. But I think it's pretty good though. However, there is a part where it gets a bit dark or something? Loki gets to a low point. Some harsh things are said. Please don't hate me!!!

You are a maid for Odin. You discover that Loki is Odin in disguise and that the real Odin is in a secret prison. You sneak him out and put him somewhere safe, then try to pretend you know nothing. When Loki discovers Odin is gone, he reveals himself to the kingdom. You flee. A civil war is born from the chosen sides.
You tend to Odin for months. When he grows ill, he tells you to lead the Rebellion. You refuse and he suggests that you find Thor to lead them. You think this is easy enough, so you try. It is harder than you think, but you track him down. You bring Thor back and convince him to lead the Rebellion. Though he insists that his presence be secret for the time being.
Before one mission, that you have a feeling you will not return from, you tell Thor that he is the Rebellions leader and he must make sacrifices. It turns out that on that mission, you are captured. Thor takes your advice and decides not to rescue you. This gives you time to have audience with the so-called 'king'. You tell him he would've been a hero in your eyes if he had just died. He gets close and you feel as though he might be cracking, so you tell him to let his anger go and be free and forgiven. Forgiven was the mistake, as he lashed out and struck you. His ring cut your cheek and you fell to the ground. He rages that he doesn't need to be forgiven and that it is everyone else's fault. He tells the guards to take you to your cell, and leave him. They do, and your cell is quite nice.
Loki is now facing his throne and leaning against it. He is filled with emotions that he is not sure what to do with. His eyes fall onto his hand that struck you, and sees your blood on it. Everything you said floats through his mind. He seems to land on the, "You would've been a hero in my eyes if you had just died." A knife materializes in that same hand with your blood on it and he starts to raise it to his neck. For some reason filled with guilt for hurting you and desperately wanting you to see him as a hero. Before he can do the terrible deed, a guard comes in. He spins around and yells at him that he asked to be left alone. The guard apologizes and says that riots are breaking out and that there are rumors that Thor has returned. Loki is then taken over with rage and the lust for revenge again. He orders to take care of the riots and that they search everywhere for Thor. The guard leaves and Loki starts to plot his revenge.
After weeks of searching and not finding Thor, Loki gets desperate. He has been spending time talking, or excuse me 'interrogating', you and has found that you were the one that smuggled out Odin. This angers him but not as much as it should have. Knowing that you are a close friend of Thor's, he grows an evil plan in his head. He brings you out and announces to the kingdom, so that Thor will get word of it, that he will execute you publicly if he does not turn himself in.
Loki loses sleep over this decision and is very conflicted. You are hoping and praying that Thor will let you die so that the Rebellion will go on. And Thor begins to devise a plan to break you out. He was just barley coping with the idea that he had left a dear friend behind and captured, but he knew he could not live with himself if you died because of him.
Thor assembles a team (not the Avengers, sorry) to break you out and they succeed. You of course berate Thor for endangering himself while you are escaping, but he doesn't mind. There is a short argument on whether to kill Loki now, or not. Some in the team wish to do it, but you and Thor can't. Most obey, but one sneaks off. The whole mission is almost compromised, but you made it away. The lone assassin tried to kill Loki, but failed. He died and you all left with heavy hearts.
Loki is outraged to hear that you escaped and that his brother rescued you. He orders another search, so you and Thor have to flee the kingdom. You bring Thor to where you hid Odin and he is delighted, but Odin is getting worse. After many weeks of keeping him comfortable, King Odin Allfather passed away, but not before secretly giving you a letter for Loki. In the weeks after Odin passed, Thor was weak and wracked with sadness and pain. You both gave the King a proper send off and you took care of Thor when he needed you most.
Eventually you return to Asgard and give the letter to Loki, but not before gruesome battles and many lives lost. Since you were able to wear down the walls Loki put up, when you gave him the letter, he accepted it instead of rejecting it in anger. The letter from Odin was an apology. He told Loki he was sorry for the way he treated him, and that he hoped he would "forgive this old king of his many transgressions". He hoped that Loki would let go of his anger and be free again. And most importantly, he hoped Loki knew that Odin loved him. Loki broke down into tears at the letter, and you and Thor were there to comfort him and put him back together.
Perhaps this is where Thor takes the throne. Or a rehabilitated Loki does. Maybe they hand the kingdom over to the woman that saved them all. Perhaps she chooses to be one of their queens. They'll work something out...

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