Writing to Classical Music

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1.) The colored explosions lit up the night sky, casting the majestic castle in a glow of ever changing light. The celebration was on its third night, yet no one seemed tired. The battle had been won, the prisoners had been released, the rightful rulers were on the throne. Finally, the kingdom was at peace and everyone felt it. Felt it deep within their bones.
Inside the castle walls, the feast raged on, voiced sang and chanted and laughed, goblets clinked, the smell of roast and baked good filled the air. And upon the thrones, sat the king and queen, dressed in the splendor of the kingdoms riches. Bright colors and glittering crystals. Together they sat, their hands intertwined as they looked out at the crowd of people rejoicing in victory. Music from the minstrels mixed with the sounds of gladness all around.
Amidst the celebrating, the king stood, still holding the queen's hand, he motioned for her to follow, and they both slipped out of the throne room, together.

2.) Sadly, the woman waited. Waited on her balcony for a sign, a signal from the other side of the moors. Desperately, she searched the horizon, hoping for a glimpse of her love to return. Behind her, the mansion was dark, empty, void of the light and life it usually had. Instead of the music and dancing of a ball that would normally fill the place on such a beautiful, clear night, it beckoned to no one. Instead of the glad chatter of guests and smell of dinner, there was silence. The maids and butlers and chefs and footmen, sent to bed. Instead of light, it was dark. The mansion waited, waited just like the woman on the balcony. It waited all night, and all day, every day, for weeks, then months, then years. Even long after the woman died, and the maids and butlers and chefs and footmen were sent to new houses to tend. Even after it began to decay and fall apart, the mansion waited.

3.) The grass patchily covered the cavern floor where spot lights of sunshine poked through the large domed ceiling. In the far corner, across from the small entrance, a raised rock shelf hollowed out and filled with the trickling water of a mountain stream nearby. The water of this small pool was clear and filled deep into the natural basin, beckoning with secrets untold within its dark blue ripples. The domed ceiling and its stone walls were carved with intricate scenes from a time long ago and a world now far away.  Mystical beasts, magic flowing through the land, spiraling towers that scraped the sky, sturdy castles and their protective walls. In the center of the huge cavern, a magnificent crystal grabbed the attention of the rare eyes that saw it.

4.) The crowd turned, as they should, when the doors opened. Down at the end of the walkway, a magnificent stature dressed in white waited. A man with greying hair stepped up beside her and took her arm. Slowly, the two of them began to ascend the aisle, toward the alter, fashioned of lights and  draped fabric, arched over the heads of the priest and groomsmen and bridesmaids and, of course, the groom himself. The man in a black suit figured slightly as he stared at the woman he was to marry. Tears pricked his eyes, following the gasp that had escaped his mouth when she entered the room. Finally, she reached him, her veil slightly covering her eyes, yet he could still see them sparkle, lighting up her smile and the whole room. The grey haired man let go of her arm, saying a few words, and joined the two lovers hands himself. Placing his hands over theirs, he whispered his blessing before leaving to take his seat. The two people didn't let go of each other's hands and stared lovingly into each other's eyes. Then they turned, together, to face the priest of their wedding.

Enhance 3.) The eldest girl stood in front of the entrance, glancing from face to face, daring them to contradict her. When they only answered with silence, she gave the other three a sly smile and ducked under the low entrance of the rough hewn stone opening, disappearing inside without so much as a warning. Two of the other girls glanced at each other and darted after her. The last girl stood paralyzed at the cave opening, staring at the dark mouth that swallowed her friends and sister. Panic swelled in her chest and she quickly glanced around. The sun was setting somewhere past the trees, filling the forest behind her with a warm glow. A safe glow, full of light and the promise of nearby civilization. She turned back to the cave, dark and beckoning with a different promise. A promise of adventure, of excitement, for however brief of a moment before the reality of a dusty, cobwebbed cavern decided to greet them.
Taking a deep breath, the last girl ducked down and entered the tunnel.

Finally catching up to the other girls, she flicked on her flashlight. Three other flashlight beams swept across the tunnel in front of them, illuminating the darkness ahead. The eldest girl stepped with ease, unbothered by the creepiness. She didn't seem scared of the dark, creepy tunnel or whatever might lie ahead. And the two girls behind her, looked only slightly cautious, though bordering more on curious. However, the last girl, though curious as well, was also absolutely terrified. Every time she thought about hanging back, the thought of losing her friends and sister pushed her forward.

brandishing her flashlight in front of her to ward off the darkness, and anything else that might be in the cave.

The grass patchily covered the cavern floor where spot lights of sunshine poked through the large domed ceiling. In the far corner, across from the small entrance, a raised rock shelf hollowed out and filled with the trickling water of a mountain stream nearby. The water of this small pool was clear and filled deep into the natural basin, beckoning with secrets untold within its dark blue ripples. The domed ceiling and its stone walls were carved with intricate scenes from a time long ago and a world now far away.  Mystical beasts, magic flowing through the land, spiraling towers that scraped the sky, sturdy castles and their protective walls. In the center of the huge cavern, a magnificent crystal grabbed the attention of the rare eyes that saw it.

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