Ashley moves to Orgeon from California with her mom to get away from her dad's tragic death. Her mom's a bit ditzy, so Ashley's learned to cope with life with a...different mother..
Ashley dreads the start of a new school-that is until...
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It's 2015, February 23. I'm 17 years old.
It's my first day of school here at Shannon High. I just moved here from California about 3 days ago to where I am now, Oregon, so that my Mom could be closer to work. She says it will be better for us, because about what happened to my dad and all. I hope she's right, I think... I want to believe her, but I can't.
"You excited for your first day of school?" my mom asked.
"I guess." I said in that lame teenager voice.
My mind flashed back to the first time when we got here and Mom drove up to an average looking house with a white porch swing, but get this, it's the house we left in California. "We're here honey!" Mom says, as she turns around to look at me. "Do you like it?" She asked. It was exactly the same as our old house. Good ol' Mom haha.
"We'll, speed it up otherwise you're going to be late to school."
"Ok, Mom." I replied. I'm naturally an unsocial butterfly-I like to keep to myself, so she knows I'm not too excited about going to a new school. I shrugged in my black leather jacket, snatched my skateboard and went out the door.
On my way to school I had to go down a hill. The wind in my ears roared peacefully past me, blowing my hair around. Woops, I forgot my helmet. I was getting too lost in my thoughts. I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment. When I opened them, I was getting offley close to another skateboarder. I should've taken Mom's car.
"Excuse me!" I yelled. I was getting closer and closer with each passing second. I started panicking
"Excuse me!!" But he turned his head a moment too late and we crashed. We both sprawled on the concrete. My hands stung.
"Dude, watch where you're going." I said as I stood up, brushing my pants off. When I looked up, I was awestruck! He was gorgeous! His shiny bronze colored hair, golden from the sun, his bright, deep blue eyes, and perfectly tanned skin.
"Sorry. Uh, my name's Alexander." he said, putting his hand out for me to shake it. "I've never seen you around before."
"Just moved here." I replied as I shook his hand. "I'm going to Shannon High."
"Really!?" The boy named Alexander asked.
"Um, Ya." Why would he be so excited that I'm going to Shannon High?
"I go to Shannon High too!" He exclaimed. Oh, That's why he's so excited.
"Cool! what grade?" I said smiling. A little hopeful that he'd like to call me his friend.
"Me too!" We both smiled. At least I would know someone at school know.
"So, What's you're name?" He asked.
"So, uh, Ashley, wanna ride with me to school?"
"Sure!" I smiled.
"Race ya!" He said.
"Bet ya can't beat me!" I yelled, and I was off! He was always a tail behind me. Everything was a blur. We were both whooping and shouting with laughter!
"I'm gonna win!" I yelled.
"Oh no you're not!" He yelled back and came up right next to me. We were going so fast and I could see the school coming up already!
"Slow down!" he yelled, behind me again.
"I can't!" I said, freaking out. If I hopped off, I would fall flat on my face and make a fool of myself on my first day here; I was going to crash! Panic rose up in me as everything seemed to turn slow-mo. I was about to run into a curb on the campus. I freaked out and was screaming like hell. Then the rush of air stopped as someone picked me off my skateboard. "You okay?" a boy-sounding-voice said.
"Ya. " I replied.
"This is why I always hated skateboarding." he mumbled.
"You okay!?" Alexander said as he got off his skateboard behind me.
"Ya. I just really wish I had my own car." I looked at the boy who saved me from embarrassment. Confusion struck as I saw another Alexander-except this one had beautiful green eyes. Alexander with the deep blue eyes looked from me to the boy and saw my puzzled expression.
"Rodney, this is Ashley. Ashley, this is Rodney-" he told me."-my twin brother."
The bell rung and we went off to our class. I walked in through the door with Alexander and I noticed a lot of the girls there had eyes for him and Rodney. Ms. Gueneva sat me down next to Alexander, Rodney was on the other side of him.
"Ashley," Ms. Geneva said, "please come up here and do the problem on the board." I walked up to the board and did the problem.
"X multiplied by R+Z=1,264.672." I said as I wrote on the chalkboard.
"Very good Ashley! Advanced?" she asked as I set the piece of chalk down.
"Yeah." I replied and sat back down at my desk in between Alexander and his brother Rodney. The desk shuddered slightly as I sat down and my pencil rolled off of my desk underneath Alexander's desk. I bent down to pick it up, my head bumping into Alexander's as he tried to pick up my pencil too. He looked up and stared into my eyes. I blushed. We both said sorry at the same time. I really like him, I thought. I bent my hand down to pick my pencil up and he did the same. His hand came on top of mine we both looked up at each other again and looked into each other's eyes for a few good long seconds. His eyes sparkled. Then we went back to the surface.
When we got back up to the surface, Alexander and I kept looking at each other. He passed me a note while the teacher's back was turned and I pretended it was part of my math book. He winked at me and I smiled backed. I turned to the note and read it "Dear Ashley, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place so that we could hang out after school." His handwriting was beautiful for guy writing a note in secret during class! I didn't want to mess it up with my hand writing with the space he left for me to write in. I wrote as fast and neatly as I could.
I'd love to! I'll call my mom after school though k?
I quickly passed the note back to him. He wrote down something and threw it back to me.
No Problem! I looked at him and smiled. I glanced at Rodney, who was glaring at us as if he was going to murder someone. I leaned towards him.
"What's with the face?" I asked curiously. He scowled quietly at me, "None of your business, bitch." Taken aback, I opened my mouth to say something, but Rodney The Jerk interrupted me.
"Look," he said. "I'm sorry. Wanna go out with me?" Jeez. He smiled and started smoldering me with his eyes. I tried to look away, but his beautiful gaze held me.
"Uhhh.." I mumbled, not being able to speak. My thoughts finally started to resurface. Wait-he just called me a bitch and now he wants me to go out with him? No way. That's not right. I blinked and shook my head.
"No." I replied firmly. His eyes widened in upset shock. I wondered when was the last time he had gotten turned down. His eyebrows furrowed and mumbled something unintelligible underneath his breath. I glared back at him and scowled.
"Bitch." He whispered and turned away. I gasped quietly.
"I can not believe your brother!" I shot Alexander under my breath. He didn't say anything, merely gave Rodney the Death Star