Chapter 5

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I open my eyes and squeeze my pillow in excitement for the new day ahead. I got ready and rushed out the door. Surprisingly, Alexander is waiting for me.

"Hayo, Ash!" He said excitingly.

"Hey!" I answered.

"Ready for today? There's the skateboard tryouts today! You doing it? I know I am! " he grinned

"Totally in!" I said back.

"You up for a race?" he asked me.

"Totally!" I replied.

"Ok then, bet you can't beat me this time!"

"You're on!" Luckily I remembered my helmet. I saw the school coming up fast, It was a tie!

"Man Ash, I swear you are never gonna be beat!" He told me, trying to be casual.

"You got that right!" I said. We both laughed at my remark all the way to the bike racks where we put our skateboards. Rodney came over to us from the stairs to the school. "Sooo..." He said.

"Yaaa..." I said in a long drawl, looking at him in a weird way.

"You doing that skateboard tryout? I hear Alex, you, and me are the only one's trying out."

"Since when do you like skateboarding?" I asked.

"None of your business," He sneered back at me

"Well excuse me!" I exclaimed.

"I'm not the one being nosy." His arms crossed, smirking. He had a point, but I mean what the heck, he's such a jerk! I still hadn't forgiven him for what he had done to me last month when he had kissed me.

"Come on Ash. Don't let him get to your head." Alexander said, gently pulling my arm to get me away from Rodney. I turned my head and glared at Rodney. He just stood there smiling. He was really getting on my nerves, but I was also a little scared. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen.

The classroom door opened. We all turned our head to see who it was. It was the gym teacher Mr.Harold, he had a clipboard in hand and was smiling.

"I need Alexander and Rodney Anderson, and Ashley Smith." He looked up from his clipboard. Yeesh, Rodney wasn't kidding. I guess skateboarding wasn't so popular this year.

"What for?" the teacher asked, looking very annoyed that his class was being interrupted in the middle of his very boring lecture on the importance of the economy and politics.

"For skateboard tryouts." he said, looking as happy as ever! I silently thanked Mr. Harold as we got out of our seats and walked out the door and went behind the school where there was a lot of rock-solid concrete.

Mr. Harold explained the rules and stuff. Alexander did his thing and then it was my turn! Mr. Harold went off to the bathroom while I practiced. I got on my skateboard going as fast as I could possibly go pulling a 360 along with a triple twist, my foot slipped and I fell. I tasted blood and my hands burned. I felt a burst of pain in my ankle like someone had split it open and put it on fire. Alexander came running over.

"Ashley, you okay!?" he looked worried.

I gasped out of pain."Ya- I think I twisted my ankle though.." I bit my lip, trying extremely hard not to scream.

"Oh, Ashley," his expression softened as he shook his head. He picked me up and held me.

"That's right Alex!" Rodney yelled, "comfort your girlfriend when she's totally fine!"

"Dude, that's not cool man. She's obviously in pain." Alex said.

"Nothing is cool with you! You hate me, you and your swarm of girls, and now you go off and steal my girl!" Alexander released his grip on me and I stood a couple feet from him.

"Dude, she doesn't even like you." Alexander replied. I nodded. Rodney had been slowly walking towards us, setting us on edge, and now he was only about a foot away. Alexander positioned himself slightly in front of me.

"You never know, beside she could secretly hate you!" Rodney sneered in Alexander's face.

"Well I don't!" I yelled. He turned towards me. I suddenly regretted saying that. He shoved Alexander out of the way in the blink of an eye and punched me in the gut. I stumbled gasping as my ankle burst with pain again. I nearly blacked out as I tripped backwards. I was struggling to catch the tiniest breath of air as I clutched my stomach on the black concrete. Then Rodney pinned me down to the ground so hard that it hurt. Alexander was stumbling as he got up from the ground.

"Get off! You're hurting me! " I started crying. I was so sick of him and his twisted games. He squeezed harder on my wrist and kicked my sprained ankle repeatedly with his foot using as much force as possible. I felt a snap in my ankle and I screamed, crying even harder, hot tears streaming down my face. This all happening within a couple of seconds.

"NO!" I heard Alexander yell. Then, Alexander came slamming into Rodney and knocked him off of me. I just layed on the concrete, still trying to catch a breath, my ankle on fire with unbearable pain. I heard skulls taking blows from knuckles and saw Alexander blow a punch at Rodney. Rodney's nose dripped with blood as he sat down on the concrete in defeat. When Alexander turned around his forehead was split. Wow. I couldn't believe they were fighting because of me. I mean they're brothers.

"Alex," I gasped, still trying to capture the oxygen all around me. Alexander looked at me and a single tear ran down his cheek.

"It's gonna be okay," He said soothingly, "It's gonna be okay. It's okay, I love you Ash. " He picked me up and carried me to the office and left Rodney sitting there, smiling. His goal accomplished. My brain had decided I'd had enough I plunged into a peaceful sleep.


Oh dang, things just got intense! Don't you just HATE Rodney now? Ugghhh!! Lolol, I'm having a hard time concentrating cuz my bunny is chewing SUPER loudly on a cardboard box 😂😂 Silly baby bunny💗🐰

I wonder what will happen in the next chapter.....

(Lol not really cuz I know exactly what's going to happen in the next chapter😂)

Hahaha, yes I know-I'm sooo funny 🙄😏😝😜😆😂😄😀😊

Now stop reading this and get to the next chapter!!!

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