Chapter 4

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"Hey, Ashley." Alexander said as he opened the door-instead of the butler. His eyelid was all purple and bruised. Some spots on his face were bruised too and I saw a cut splitting right through his eyebrow.

"Hey Alex..Uh, what happened?" I asked, really concerned.

"Oh, it's nothing." He answered.

"It doesn't look like nothing." I stated. He took a deep breath and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

"Come on. I'll tell you." He grabbed my hand casually, but I noticed, leading the way even though I already knew where we were going. My heart hammering loudly with his hand around mine. We walked through the secret entrance and into our majestic little wonder world.

He sat down into the grass-still holding my hand. I sat down next to him, wondering what on earth was going on. He stared down at our hands-intertwined-and started tracing my blue nails-inspired by his blue eyes.

"I got into a fist fight with Rodney." He said.

"Why?" I felt an immense amount of hatred towards Rodney and concern for Alexander.

"'Cause I punched him." He said smirking.

"Why'd you punch him?" I asked. He hesitated before telling me. I looked into his eyes. He gave up.

"Because he kissed you." He replied. My heart continued to beat louder than I thought was possible. I felt flattered.

"And you feel strongly about it-that he kissed me against my will?" I asked curiously. He glanced up at me. I waited. Nothing. He just continued to trace my nails. I continued to wait, staring at him. He sighed.

"Yes." He confirmed. "...And about...what he did to you afterwards." He said. My heart turned violently inside of my chest. He must like me, I thought. He stopped tracing my fingernails and looked up at me-directly in the eyes.

"I feel.." He paused, searching for the right words. "Very-protective over you." He emphasized. I felt every cell in my body tingle and warm at his words while my face burned and my heart continued to do dangerous stunts. I didn't know what to say and I guess neither did he because he just went straight back to tracing my nails. I plucked a flower off the grass and twirled it between my fingers contentedly. I laid down, looking at the blue sky for clouds. There were none.

I caught myself thinking of how Alexander's eyes were way more saturated in the color blue than the sky was, deeper somehow, but still like the sky-when I realized that Alexander was still sitting up-staring intently at me. Suddenly conscious, I became uncomfortable in discomfort. I finally managed to blurt my position out.

"Alex, can you please stop staring at me like that!" I demanded as I sat back up.

"Sorry." He mumbled. "I can't help myself." I looked at the sky again and decided I should go home.

"I need to go." I sighed.

"K, well, see you later then, I guess." He said.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Well, bye."

"Yeah.."I said again and I left.

"Hey, Mom." I said as I walked through the door. Smelled like pasta tonight.

"Hey honey, where were you?" She asked.

"Friend's house." I simply said, shrugging. She beamed, knowing it was a little hard for me moving to a new place, because of my dad. Especially when you arrive in the middle of the school year-in high school. Being the new girl isn't exactly easy. Realistically, if you take me and mash me up with this situation-you get another really sad messy situation, but thank me and my lucky stars-I'm still alive!

"What's her name?" She asked enthusiastically.

"She's a he, Mom, and his name is Alexander." I clarified.

"Oh, okay." She said smiling, a weird sly smile.

"Mom, he's just a friend." I said, even though I wished it was more than just that. "I've only been here a week, okay Mom." I said. She was getting ideas and the last thing I needed was an overly excited Mom about "friends".

So, I finally had time to get this chapter down-I promise-I assure you, that the next chapter is longer ;D

I was reading everybody's comments-so thank you!! So very much!

Lol, there's nothing wrong with you! (you know who I'm talking to!) I think every one is allergic to annoying, rude, terrible people! 😂😂

P.S. If you leave a comment I find...entertaining or whatever-I'll mention you on here just like I did on the previous paragraph! But I won't say your profile name because I'm SUCH a forgetful person😁*sorry*

Love you all!!!

World Domination Plan

1. Steal credit card

2. Buy a bunch of things to become super powerful

3. Make everyone my slaves

4. Destroy the military/navy/marines/etc./government


Lolololololololollol!!!😂😂😂😂 Oh, sorry I thought no body read the authors note...ill just go over here now...


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