Chapter 9

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Saturday. One and half more weeks 'til prom. I've been trying to forget yesterday's incident. I woke up late-eleven twenty-three A.M.

I hear a tap on my window. "What the?" I say as I rub my eyes. Getting out of bed to see what what was makin' that noise, I open the window and look down to see Alex grinning up at me. "Hey sleepy bird!" he says.

"What'er you doin'?"

"Coming to say good morning to my little angel!"

I grin down at him. "Hold on one sec." I disappear from the window to get dressed and come back a moment later. I carefully grab hold of a branch from the tree close to my window. Alex staring back up at me as I climb down the tree and jump down right next to him.

"So." he says, "I've got some good news and some bad. Which do you you want to hear first?" I hated it when he did this to me. He knew it too.

"The bad first." I got nervous. Bad news could mean two things. 1) nothing really at all-bad. 2) My life is ending-bad. He looked down at his feet with his hands in his pockets, twirling the dirt on the ground with the toe of his shoe.

"I'm moving." My head spun as my heart skipped a beat. No.No.No.No.No.No. Maybe I thought if I told myself that, it would become true.I felt a lump in my throat. Maybe He's not moving very far away at all. "Wait-I-I-I don't understand. What do you mean you're moving? I mean it's not like you're moving far away..right?"

"Ash, I moving-to England."

"...England?" I choked. I couldn't deny myself any longer. I cried. Huge, fat tears sliding down my face a hundred times a second.

"Ash, I'm so, so sorry." he whispered. I just answered with tears. He rocked me back and forth in his arms, saying sorry over and over and over again. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, so, so sorry..So sorry...The good news might not be so helpful right now I presume. " he sort of mumbled the last part.

"Good news?" I looked up at him trying to stifle the tears.

"Um, ya," he said. "My parents got a new job offer, for a lot more money-so,er, instead of being rich we'll be richer! We're going to sell our house-er mansion I mean." He said in that fake "Yay!" sort of voice. "That's kind of why I'm moving..Please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you," ...Wait was I really? I stopped crying as my tears turned to anger. "Actually, I am!" I said as I stood up. Tears came down again-except this time in rage.

"Woah, Ashley, please d-"

"Oh please what? You could've tried to stop your parents from getting a new job! You could've told me before that they were at least thinking about getting this job offer! Not once did you think about what you could have done to help ease this!"

I was hurt. Cut open from the inside out and now I was taking it out on Alexander. I didn't want to-or mean to for that matter. I turned around and slumped down to the ground and cried in sorrow again. I cried and cried and cried. I cried because he didn't tell me earlier. I cried because we wouldn't get to go to prom together. I cried because he was moving all the way to a whole different country. I cried because I feared that I'd never get to see him again. Suddenly, I heard a thud and Alex cry out in pain. I turned my head to see his knuckles covered in blood. I looked at him like what did you do? and he pointed to the tree with a shaky hand. There was some blood on the tree. "I shouldn't have punched it." he winced. I put my fingers to the bridge of my nose for a moment and stood up. "You know what," I said calmly, my hand already gone. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have busted out on you like that."

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