Chapter 6

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I woke up. Everything was back to normal. Alexander was hovering over me, and smiled when he saw my eyes blink open. He said quietly,"Hey, Ash! I told you it would be okay." We both smiled. I looked around. I was lying in my bed. I grunted as I sat up and clutched my side.

"Ow." I said.

"Careful, Ash. Remember, Rodney punched you in the stomach-which broke one of your ribs...and kicked your twisted ankle..which is now broken.." he softly said. "The doctors can't really do anything about the rib, but you did get a cast for your ankle."

"Oh ya. I forgot about that." I said groggily. He chuckled, bent down and wrapped his arms around me carefully. We stayed like that for a good while. Just the two of us, taking in the aroma of each other. I buried my face into his shoulder. I found myself thinking of what happened at the skateboard tryouts. My heart fluttered hard as I slowly remembered everything.

"Hey Alex?"


"Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"..That you loved me." There was a pause. I could practically hear him saying, oh, you remembered that. But then he said,

"I loved you the moment I saw you." I felt my heart stop dead as I became overwhelmed with shock and joy.

"Really?" I could feel my face burning.

"Heck ya! You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen, and you always seem to be a shining light in my day." My heart was about to explode.

"Really?" I felt my heart beating faster than I thought was possible.

"Yes Ashley. You're mean everything to me." Then he stopped hugging me, looked me dead in the eyes, paused for a moment, took a breath in, and kissed me for a good long while. My heart beat irregularly as my brain tuned everything out except for his lips against mine. My brain micro-examining every little detail my lips felt.

My heart exploded. I felt like screaming and shouting to the whole world that Alexander Anderson kissed me. When he stopped I looked at him-his eyes sparkled.


"Yes?" I breathed, sure that my face was completely pink.

"Will you be my girl? " I smiled while I looked at him.

This just in-were experiencing major aftershock from a teenage girl in Oregon. I'm not sure how much longer she can hold before bursting.

"I don't know..." I said teasingly. We both laughed at that. "Of course Alex! Why wouldn't I? I loved you the moment I fell into you!" We both laughed real hard at that, then he just sat there looking at me. "What?...Dude what's goin' on in that head of yours?" He just smiled. "Come on or I'll have to tickle you!" I reached my hand towards him- I should've known that he is faster than me. I layed on my bed trying to get away from him as he tickled me to death!

"No!" I said in that high pitched voice when you get tickled. My mom came in as he was tickling me to check on things.

"What are you two do-?"

"-He's tickling me!!!" I screamed. She smiled and started laughing as she left the room.

He finally stopped torturing me.

"To answer your question, I was thinking about how beautiful you are, and how sweet you are" he said. Before I had a chance to say thank you, he said, "I have to go.'' looking down at his watch.

"Ok.." I replied, looking down too.

"I'll come back tomorrow though, K?"

"Ok." I paused, "Hey Alex? What day is it?"

"Friday. Why?"

"Oh. Well ok then. Just wondering."....Another pause.

"I love you!" He said. I perked up a bit at that.

"Love you too!" I said happily. I watched him blow me a kiss as he walk out the door.


As he had promised, he came back.

"Hi Alex!" I said, limping up to him. He hugged me, picked me up, and spun around as he said, "I missed you so much!!" I laughed as he did so too.

"It's only been a whole day, weirdo!" He set me down.

"Ya, I know, but I couldn't stop thinking about you! Well-to tell the truth, I never can not stop thinking about you. From the day we bumped into each other."

"Ya, me too." I admitted.


"Yaaa! Who wouldn't?"

"You've got a point." That got a giggle from me.

"Ya, I totally couldn't sleep last night, I'm still bubbly from what happened yesterday." I said, blushing. He paused, looking at me.

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality finally becomes better than your dreams." He said in his honey, golden voice, stroking my hair. He talked like a poet sometimes. "-and you know it's love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you're not a part of their happiness." He continued. Wow. He embraced me and whispered in my ear with his sweet peppermint breath, "I love you."

"Hmm, I love you too." I sighed in a happy tingly way. His jacket smelled liked crisp, whippy, cinnamon. Without thinking I said, "You smell good." He started chuckling,

"Well you smell like heaven too!"

I grinned. I heard him take a deep breath in and groan. We looked at each other-our noses' and foreheads' touching. His eyes were beautiful, bright-deep-blue. "My heart is and always will be yours." He murmured. His lips touched mine as we dove into a beautifully bliss moment.

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