( 1; A Sweet Sad Encounter )

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( Chapter One ; A Sweet Sad Encounter )

I never met him personally but I knew his face. See I've stayed in this apartment complex (Hillshire Cove) for the last 6 years. I know all the tenants, and I know about everything that goes on in this apartment complex. 333 had moved in about two weeks ago. I have to admit. He's perfect eye candy. From his smile down to the thickness of his thighs.

Two weeks and I haven't learned his name yet. It seems he keep to hisself, very quiet and mellow. I did hear he was a writer. Maybe he was hiding out from his editors. The guy in apartment 333 intrigued me like no other tenant. I don't why. All I know is that I want to know everything there is to know about him. What makes him smile, has he ever been in love. Is his toothbrush red or blue.

Just random questions I think I need answers to. Maybe he just wasn't a people person. I've heard about .those people that never come outside into the world. They tend to commit suicides or become serial killers. Sterotypical much, their just like other people. They just happened to be a little more afraid than most. I could help him out, if I ever get to encounter him that is.

Come to think of it, we did speak once. I was in the laundry room finishing up and he came in. Smooth, suave, quiet like a fox hunting a rabbit. If it weren't for the squish of his nike sports worn out slippers, I would have never heard him slip in. A plain white crisp t-shirt that hugged his oh-so-sexy chest. How could a human being possibly keep a white shirt clean. Stay away from the red wine I guess. Blue jeans, wranglers, no levis because the way they hugged him outlined the contours of thick leg mucsles.

He had to be a football player, or maybe some hardcore rugby. Now that would be very intriguing. He had very attractive feet, very very attractive. Most guys didn't care about what their feet looked like. He obviously did. Even my dog Larry sniffed and licked at his feet. The most memorable feature about 333 was his eyes though. They had to be gray, or this perfect shade of smoke. I promise if you stared long enough smoke would actually move around his eyeball. One glance from him thrown your way and every single thing around you would stop. I didn't even know this guy's name and yet I wanted him.

He came in basket of clothes on his hip. Looked up at me with the most welcoming smile and friendliest eyes.

He said, "Hey." Pause. Did I mention those eyes were perfect. So I replied, "Hey" But before I choked on thin air and embarassed myself in front of him. I threw my clothes in a bunch and sped walked out of there.

How do you tell a complete stanger you're in love with them. Is that type of thing even legal. Now the guy in 333 would think me weird and crazy for the rest of his stay. There was a big party coming up for the apartment complex. You know a little gathering where all the tenants could get to know each. Maybe this time when I see him I can actually redeem myself. Even ask him his name. I just know that I can't walk up to him saying , "I'm hopelessly in love with you." Cause that would just be crazy. Right ?

Party ...

The party was fun. The setup was nice, everyone actually came out. Everyone was having a very nice experience. Larry was running around like crazy. Everyone had grown to like him, and like a loyal dog he never strayed from my side. Until his favorite pair of twins showed up and stole him away. Larry was the perfect date for this shindig. He scared off ugly people and sniffed out the pretty ones. No, I'm kidding.

A hour into the party and I was fidgeting and constantly looking around for 333. Sure he would show up. Nervous and getting nervous by the minute , I ended up at the food table. The cheese puffs were too awesome to pass up. So I ate them and ate them till they were all gone. My hands were full of cheese. The best part, I opened my mouth to pop my first finger in when my gaze clashed with the guy from 333. He smiled mischievously as if daring me to do it. Lick my fingers in front of all these people, in front of him. What the hell, I was going to do it anyway. 333 actually threw his head back and laughed. Which caused a pretty big grin on my face too.

I left the party for a couple minutes to get my hands cleaned up. I ended up right back at the food table. Don't worry no cheese puffs this time. There was something else more delicious waiting for me. They guy from 333 stared right at me.

"Is the cheesy hands really the best part?" I laughed and so did he.

"I guarantee you that it's the best part. You'd sacrifice all your dignity to lick all your fingers in public."

Now it was time to hit the panic button. I'm not very good at small talk. It gets awkward and uncomfortable. What do I say? What do I say?

"I hear you are a writer. Hiding out maybe." Those eyes of his never strayed away from mine.

"Yes. As a matter of fact I am. Have you heard of Kellura Lunar?" He smiled and a dimple popped up. I shifted my stanz.

"Who hasn't. Best selling romance novelista. My favorite author by far. You know I have her whole collection of the SuperHero Series. And I just finsihed the Black Hargrove Series. I love Kellura Lunar. If I could meet anyone, well besides God. I would LOVE to meet her. "


"The way she tells the story about Love. You know most people think those type of novels are sex in disguise. It's not that at all. Kellura inspires you to Love, and teaches you how to do it right. I know she inspires me."

Someone yelled out 333's name. I couldn't hear it, It was muffled through music and noise but it got his attention and he darted off. As if I never existed and we weren't in the middle of a converstion. How stupid am I? I didn't ask him his name. Strangely, he didn't ask for mine. Most importantly, why did it matter to me so much.

I moved through the complex to find Larry. The party would be over soon, and I had to go to work in the morning. I gazed around to see if I could spot him. Instead the twins walked up to me in tears.

"We're so sorry."

"We didn't mean it. We didn't." I pulled them both into a hug.

Nothing that bad could have happened. Their just kiddies having fun. "What happened?"

They both grabbed my hands and pulled me along. "We just wanted to play"

"We're not suppose to run in the street."

All of a sudden it seemed as if everybody in the complex was in front of me. Mr. Jet the complex manager didn't even make eye contact with me. Something did happen. Now I was running ahead of the crowd and no one had prepared me or this.

The guy from room 333 cradled my dog in his arms while in the middle of the street. Angry car drivers honked and tried to find a way out. The complex tenants had crowded around in the street. The only person that couldn't move closer was me. Ms. Kilmore grabbed my hand.

"That's not Larry is it Ms. Kilmore." Little old ladies never told lies. She nodded her head yes. I moved closer and it dawned on me. Larry was just hit by a car, a moving vehicle. Dogs don't come out of that unharmed, alive.

"He's still breathing, but his pulse-" I kneeled over and 333 transferred him to me.

"Sam called 911. I didn't want to move him until we were sure but his whines are gut wrenching."

I hugged Larry as tight as possible. Already I could feel him slipping away. I buried my face in his curly coat and began to move away from the people that stared with wide eyes and worry. I just quietly spoke to him.

"It's okay boy. It's okay. You're going to be fine." He just whined so softly. "You're going to be fine. We're suppose to go fishing Tuesday, remember. You bait them and I grab them." All to soon his whines stopped. He closed his eyes. "Oh Larry no. Larry?"


The Guy In Apartment 333. (Gay Romance)Where stories live. Discover now