( 4; You Know Me ? )

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( Chapter Four ; You Know Me? )

That next night ...

I was saying good night to a very tired Mr. Filch. Everyone knows to stay away from Albus Filch, because once he starts taking to you. He'll go on and on and on about the war he was in.

Luckily I had nothing to do, cause I had been talking to Filch for maybe an hour. He tells the same story so if you just pay attention and answer when he asks something. The conversation will go much faster. He was definitely tired tonight so he let me go early.

On my way back to the apartment, 333 caught my eye. He walked over to me with a smile so dimpled and bright. My night had been made, and I had forgotten all about the spoils of war.

"What are you doing out by yourself in the night time." I laughed and so did he.

"Mr. Filch caught me."

"I'm told to stay away from him."

"Please do. Unless you enjoy knowing the names of every gun from the 70's." I seriously wasn't into war and guns.

"Come on, I'll walk you with you." He said with a smile.

I think he was in love with his Levi jeans. That's all he seems to ever wear. Something interestingly new though, he wore a long gray sleeve shirt instead of his pure white t-shirt. Might've been laundry day. Strange to think he has a pile of white t-shits, a pile of blue levi's, and one long sleeve gray shirt. That made me snicker a little.

"What's funny? I like jokes to."

"It's nothing. I like to laugh a little."

"You should do it often. Your laugh sounds pretty." My face started to turn a bit red in that moment. We continued to walk.

"Have you had dinner yet?" He asked looking suspicious.

"No. I was going to order a pizza when I got in."

"Come to my place. I'll cook for you. Besides, I would hate knowing you didn't eat tonight."

"Sure. That sounds nice." He held his hand out. A very handsome gesture. I took it and he led the way.

In apartment 333 ...

He was in the kitchen cooking up something real delicious. You could get filled off the aroma itself. I was admiring his book collection. A beautiful assortment of all kinds of books. We had quite a lot of similarities. The collection that caught my eyes were the Kellura Lunar books. He had all of them. Every single book she ever published.

"You are a huge fan of Kellura Lunar!" He came from out of the kitchen with a heart warming smile.

"I really like to think I'm her number one fan." He grabbed my hand and led me to the dinner table.

"This looks like it's going to be my favorite meal. Grace?" He took his seat.

"Please." I said a small grace. Truth be told not many people show respect to God over food. However, he gave a very believeable "Amen," when I finished.

"Tell me about the painting." We began to eat.

"I painted it." I said quickly wanting to avoid the question altogether.

Instead of taking offense like I thought he would. He chuckled. Which made me smile. This guy was different in every way. He wasn't predictable, everything about him was fresh and intriguing.

"Tell me what you thought of the painting." I challenged.

"To be honest, I thought it was beautiful. Just like when I saw you for the first time. It took my breath away." Pause.

The Guy In Apartment 333. (Gay Romance)Where stories live. Discover now