( 13; Paris, In France? )

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[ Dedicated to LRyan80, for being such a sweet supporter of TGIA333. ]

( Chapter Thirteen ; Paris, In France? )

I woke up in a hurry for some reason, lifting my head quickly and looking around the room. I guess I was checking to see if this was reality again. I was still in his hotel room in bed, without him. I glanced over the bed and saw the most precious thing in the world. Kennedy was laying onside of me softly snoring while sleep. She was so beautiful, she was made to be sculpted, painted, sketched just like her beautiful father.

I got up out the bed, thankfully I actually had clothes on. Kellan must have dressed me. A simple white tee of his and a pair of sweats that were barely fitting me. I can tell because once I stood they drooped a little, slightly revealing that I had no briefs on. I laughed a little, and I ended up waking the little beauty that was sleep. She sat up looking well rested.

"Dad said he'd be back, he had to go take care of some business." She rubbed her eyes. "He said get breakfast started." She yawned.

"What do you want for breakfast then?" I didn't mind trying to cook for her only to have the whole hotel burn down.

"Pizza!" She yelled out.

I furrowed my eyebrows, pizza for breakfast? Is that even legal, would Kellan kill me? I didn't know how to make a pizza, I barely know how to work the coffee maker.

"Um, yea. Who eats pizza for breakfast? I can't cook pizza anyway. I'm sorry." She kept smiling still.

"Indulge yourself mon pére." She speaks French?

She hopped out of the bed going over to the phone that sat on the nightstand. She pressed a button holding the phone to her ear.

"Room Service. We need breakfast. Bacon and ham pizza with sautéed onions, cheesy crust, do not be stingy with the sauce." She held the phone down. "What do you want mon pére?" What the hell.

"Double cheese burger, with bacon and onions, steak fries, and tell them put the biggest pickle they can find on there." She relayed the message.

She surprised me when she ordered the regular breakfast foods for her Dad. I also heard her order vanilla ice cream and soda. No doubt for Rootbeer floats. She didn't stop there also ordering a triple fudge chocolate cake and white chocolate covered brownies. When she hung up the phone my stomach reminded me that I was sorely hungry. I was going to gain 15lbs after this.

"Kennedy, are you sure you're Dad won't be upset? I do not want you nor me to get in trouble." She giggled hopping back onto the bed. She came toward me and turned me around. She wrapped her small arms around my neck jumping onto my back.

"Apparently my Dad has a soft spot for me and you. You'll have to learn that anything we say, goes." She kissed my cheek. "I like you a lot mon pére. I'm glad your staying with us." That brought the widest grin to my face, I held on to her legs as we begin to descend out of the room.

"You speak French? Seriously how old are you?" I asked her walking into the spacious hotel living room.

"8 1/2. You have no idea do you?" I sat her down on the sofa then sat down beside her. She crossed her legs facing me and I did the same.


"Nous vivions à Paris." I raised an eyebrow.

"We live in Paris. Alex, when we leave here we're going home ... to Paris." My eyes widened. What?!

I can't move out the country. I barely leave my apartment let alone traveling to another country. Kellan never mentioned he lived in Paris. Although, I don't think we ever got around to that. Can I seriously allow myself to move to Paris and marry my man? Of course Alex, he's just that, your man. I love him too much to let him leave out of my life again. No way I'm screwing this up.

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