( 7; Life of Me )

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[ Dedicated to JacobWalker & Dhatweirdo ]

( Chapter Seven ; Life Of Me )

It was one if those quiet rainy days where going outside wasn't an option. It was soothing listening to the rain and quiet rumbles of thunder. Especially when I shared my bed with my lover. My lover. I grinned stupidly as I sketched Kellan in my sketch pad. It's been awhile since I used it and now was a better time if any.

Kellan was placed at the foot of my bed pecking away on his laptop. He was shirtless and one of my feet was snagged beneath his arm. He wore a pair of black framed reading glasses that made him look the equivalent of Clark Kent himself. I could stay like this forever I thought. God knows I wanted too.

"What are you writing?" I asked. I recognized the smirk on Kellan's face through the screen of his laptop.

"What are you drawing?" Kellan asked cheekily. I rolled his eyes sweetly and smiled.

Then watched as Kellan closed his laptop and placed it on the floor beneath the bed. He then began massaging my foot. How can I concentrate on my drawing of him if he's rubbing my feet? It's unjustly.

"We should go out tonight. Few drinks, dancing, a little fun."

"Hm. You know I'm a recluse right? Introverts tend to stay in on the inside where it's safe." I set my sketch pad down. He then began kissing my toes. I laughed seeing how it was a little ticklish.

"Come on, it'll be fun. Besides, I want to show you off. I want to get you in a dark corner, tease you, and when I know someone's looking I want pull out your-"

"Kellan!" He crinkled his eyes innocently. My face was crimson by now.

How could I say no to my Adonis. Yes, I'm scared of people in general, I'd rather stay hidden then join the outside world, but maybe going out with Kellan wouldn't be life threatening. I sank back into my pillows.

"Is that a yes?" I sighed and snatched my feet away. He hovered above me smiling that charming dimpled smile that I cannot seem to resist nor get out if my head. I'd should have a sketch pad dedicated to just his dimples by now.

"Fine. We'll go out." He nuzzled my nose lightly and pecked my lips. This man will be the death of me.


At A Local Gay Club...

If you ever wanted to define the word shy in the dictionary, no doubt you'd see the name Alex and a pretty unpleasant picture. He was always uncomfortable around crowds of people he didn't know. He felt as if they were all staring at him, judging him, waiting for him to do something wrong.

Kellan on the other hand was a social outgoing butterfly. He could put a smile on anyone's face. He liked to mingle and meet new people. He didn't seem out of place nor off balanced.

They were out at one of the popular but local gay bars. The moment Alex set his foot in the club he dove himself into the comfort of his own mind. (Reasons I Am Here? 333. Kellan. My Lover.)

Kellan never let go of my hand pulling me further in and over to the bar. The music was hot, this techno mixed with a dub step beat. Seems like everyone flocked to the dance floor as soon as they came in. Kellan signaled to the bartender for two beers.

"You look hot you know! That's why they're staring." I looked around and noticed a few guys were staring at him. I blushed only a little.

"Too bad I have to show them how much you're mine!" He looked and I saw the lust radiating from off Kellan's body. He looked good, he smelled good, I'm pretty sure he tastes good.

The Guy In Apartment 333. (Gay Romance)Where stories live. Discover now