( E; Epilogue. )

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I married Kellan the week after he surprised me with my own gallery. It was a rushed wedding, but it was mine nonetheless. It's been 4 years and we're still happily married. We honeymooned in Egypt, then made some memories in Hawaii, and also made some noise in China. Once he saw I like to travel he made it a point to surprise by taking me to these places I had never been. I never left home without a sketchbook since then.

We had soon realized that Kennedy needed some company, it was so much time she could bare with only Me, her Dad, and her nounou. So we adopted into our family, a nice lad. Hale Bulter, now Hale Lutz. Kellan fell in love with his awkwardness, I fell in love with his shyness. He was very quiet spoken but after warming up to us we knew he was happy with us as his family.

So Kennedy enjoyed her new big brother until they both came to the point of stressing out me and Kellan with their teenage ways. I practically begged him for another child which he didn't mind at all. So we went on ahead and adopted little Sophia. Sophia Lutz. She was adorable, and a lot easier to handle at only 3 years old. She was accepted immediately by her new siblings, and loved instantly by her new Fathers. We spoiled her the most.

Kellura Lunar is still my favorite author and still #1 Best Seller. His trophy case was becoming a nuisance, but my name was becoming known around the world also. Everyone wanted to meet this handsome artist, my gallery soon turned into 3 popular galleries. Me and Kellan were even featured in a magazine together. Sexiest spread ever.

I was currently at home doing the duties of the housewife right now.

With Kenny locked in her room at the moment and my Sophia clinging onto my chest, and Kellan nowhere to be found, I yelled out for Hale. I needed him to take Sophie while I got dinner started. Yes me! I actually cook now.

"Hales!" He took his precious valuable time getting to the kitchen.

"Yes Dad?" He didn't make eye contact with me which meant he was hiding something.

"Can you take your sister for awhile. I need to get dinner started. Kenny is her room. Something about her bestfriend and her boyfriend."

"Didn't I mention I had company over? I'm hanging out with my friends. I can't have Soph clinging to us." He loved Sophie more than me sometimes. He usually never turns down anything dealing with Sophie.

"Sorry then. Enjoy your company honey." As he turned to leave I heard him mutter, "Don't call me honey." I laughed softly.

My husband walked into the kitchen finally showing his beautiful face and dimples as he smiled while catching my lips in a quick kiss. He placed a kiss on Sophie's cheek as she grabbed for him, he took her out of my arms. I folded my arms across my chest frowning, he was not getting off that easy.

"Where the hell have you been? I haven't seen you all day." I asked feeling a bit neglected. Just a bit.

"Someone's feeling a little feisty this evening." He winked at me.

"Answer the question Kellura." He laughed out loud, while grabbing my waist pulling me closer.

"I took a trip to le sexe jouets magasin.Then I hung out my office for awhile because I got to eager to use our new toy. I honestly lost track of time once I started with the new book. I'm sorry." It didn't take much to forgive him. He was forgiven as soon as his lips touched mine.

"Da. Mwowie." Sophia said.

"A movie sounds good sweetheart. Let's let votre pére get dinner ready." He kissed me again while disappearing into the house.

Before I would start dinner I decided to check on Kenny. I twisted the knob and her door was still locked. I hated when she does this. I knocked.

"Go away! I want to be alone."

"Kenny, because I'm gentle hearted I am going to leave you alone. However you better be out this room by dinner. And after dinner we are going to have a chat." I sighed, my heart broke when I heard her sniffling. She was crying.

I left her door reluctantly and made my way down the long hall to Hale's room. He never locks his door. So I opened it up and walked right in. My jaw dropped and I quickly closed the door without saying nothing. I composed myself quickly before finding Kellan cuddled up with Sophia in the movie room. They both looked about ready to go to sleep. So I decided to not disturb them.

It was a very quiet dinner and Kellan caught on to that seeing as how he's the one that talks too much. I was quiet for the sake of Hale and what I saw earlier. His friends denied dinner with us and left quickly.

"What's wrong with everyone?" He asked. I continued to eat my food as Kenny tried to not to cry while Hale just held his head done looking ashamed.


Later on that night when we had put Sophia to sleep, after I had a talk with Kenny, and a very awkward almost talk with Hale, I was exhausted and ready for bed. I was applying some lotion to my body when Kellan finished his shower. Seeing him in just a white towel with his rippling muscles bulging out everywhere, he had the sexiest nipples, and the firmest ass. As I was fantasizing about how those strong thighs should be between my legs, my husband purposely dropped the towel giving me a nice view.

"Have I told you how much I love you. Like really really love you. Love you love you." He chuckled. I tilted my head a little as he turned around, my mouth could not produce enough drool for this man.

"Are you going to tell me what dinner was about?"

"Did you mention a new toy?" Then he jumped me.

After a few hours of torture with the new beads, when I was exhausted and fully sated, when he was exhausted and fully milked dry I decided that to tell him. I dealt with the girls, let him deal with Hale.

"I'm sorry to say this mon àmant but," He nuzzled my sweaty neck while his eyes fluttered close to fall into sleep. "I think I caught Hale in the middle of a gay orgy in his room."

I love my life.


I think I'm doing a series. This was to open the doorway for it.
Title: The Boys In My Room.
Goodbye. (waves)

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