( 2; After While )

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( Chapter Two ; After while ..)

They took Larry away. I was left alone in an empty apartment. You never notice how quiet life can be without the noises. No barking , no sounds of him running around, no scratching at the door, or him whining for his doggy treats. Just a room full of pure silence. It took about an half an hour for me to decide what I wanted to do with him. Eventually I handed him over to Animal Control. He was my dog and I really couldn't let him go. My Larry was dead. I couldn't stay in this apartment.

I grabbed my jacket in a rush and left the apartment. It had to be about 11. The complex looked deserted. Everyone was inside, sleeping probably. Something that I couldn't probably bring myself to do for awhile. I just walked around the complex for a minute. Ended up in the hallway of 333. Now what would be the odds of that. I wanted to go up to his door and knock on it. But what the hell would I say. I was just wondering if I could borrow some brown sugar ? Like a normal person, I peaked through his window. The guy in apartment 333 just got a whole lot more interesting. And for the first time in 5 years, I felt my body come to life.

Standing out in the dark peeking into someone's apartment. Stalker mode on right. I couldn't help it. Because the man I saw through the window had the body of a God. Adonis, Narcissus, Ares, and maybe even Zeus himself. He had to be doing some serious gym time to get a body like that. A body I wouldn't mind caressing, licking .. A woman appeared in the room. She was beautiful. Now I was jealous of a woman I didn't know and would never know. They shared a kiss, a very sensual kiss at first.

Was I wrong to imagine he was kissing me. Those plump juicy lips over mine. Devouring me with pure intense heat, making me fall in love with ever moan that would escape his throat. I wanted to be kissed by him. I wanted him to hold me like he was holding her. Aggressively, possessively, it seemed as if he couldn't get enough of her. Why couldn't that be me in his arms? I was officially a peeping tom and perhaps I better move away before I get caught. But I couldn't, he was to entrancing. Like I was being mind controlled to stay and watch. So I watched .. and I made a conscious decision to shift my position. Our gazes clashed, he saw me!

Oh damn. Instead of running off like a little boy getting caught at his daddy's door. I stared back with an intensity that should've knocked him off his feet. The woman was too spaced to notice him staring at his window. For a second, I thought he would yell at me to move away from his window. Give me the wagging finger of shame. He winked at me and smiled a very devilish smile. Lucifer couldn't have smiled a more devious smile. He pulled the woman into him for another fierce kiss. I was getting hot, no I was already hot I was now getting heated. He started to undress her, teasingly. So teasingly I wanted to burst through the damn door and help him.

My hand lightly gripped my pants as her breasts spilled out and he attacked them. Oh God, I wanted to take her place. Feel his passion, his strength, his most hardest anatomy. As he started to caress and stroke her ... pet her, he stared at me. Like it was me he wanted, for a minute I almost believed it. But it wasn't me in his arms. I backed away from his window. This was not what I wanted. Window sex. Who does that ? I ran away back to my apartment. How would he look at me now ?

That following morning ...

I was beyond tired. It was a sleepless and emotional night. My dog was dead and the guy I'm in love with must think I'm a slut/peeper. It was almost time to go to work. So what do I do in this type of common situation? Avoid the guy in apartment 333, suck it way up and take my tired emotional ass to work. I was about to try and take a quick shower until someone lightly tapped on my door. (People Who Would Be At My Door; Manager? I paid my rent. Maintenance? My toilet and sink were fine. 333? Then what the hell would I say!) I answered the door very cautiously.

"Hey." Smoky eyes, Levis, White T-Shirt, and a really enticing box of donuts. My guy, well not yet maybe, maybe not ever either.

"Good morning?" Wasn't that something I was suppose to say. I see my small talk skills hasn't improved any over the night. How can you stay up all night and ponder what you would say, if only you had the chance. That was the only thing I had available.

"How was your night?" He gave me the two dimpled smile. The charming, 'I'm a pretty boy smile.' I had no choice but to smile back.


"I bought you some of the best tasting donuts that Moley's has to offer. I like to think your a donut person." He raised his eyebrow. "Am I right?"

Just like that, just like that. I forgot to remember to forget. I had no stress in that moment, no worries. Okay some worries like would I be able to eat those donuts in 15 minutes. I'm going to get so fired.

"Thank you. I am a donut person, and I really need these this morning. A quick sugar rush to get me through the morning." They looked so delicious just like him standing in my doorway with that morning Greek God glow. Damn it!

"I'm sorry, I would invite you in but if I don't go into crunch mode I might get fired today. Which would suck since my dog just died.. & I have no idea if you see me as a ..." I should stop talking. 333 looked super puzzled.

"Thank you again." I flashed a brief smile and rude as I'll ever be in this lifetime. I closed the door in his face. Yes, I panicked a little bit. I am not looking forward to our next encounter. What would that be like, cause 333 was highly unpredictable.


The Guy In Apartment 333. (Gay Romance)Where stories live. Discover now