( 9; A Dream In Reality )

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W A R N I N G. Extreme Mature Content.

» Dedicated to everyone who seeks a soulmate that'll make their soul cry, heart soar, and life all better.

( Chapter Nine ; A Dream In Reality )

Alex eyes fluttered open softly. The room was still dark so he peeked at his watch adjusting his sleepy eyes. 7:33AM. He was surprised he managed to get some sleep. He buried his head back into the pillows surrounded by Kellan's comforting smell. That's when he remembered coming over to apartment 333 and falling asleep on his lover's chest.

His feet were cold. So he searched for Kellan on the other side of the bed. He lifted up and moved closer to the all American male next to him tucking his feet beneath Kellan's warm legs. It caused him to stir of course.

"Your toes are frozen." He responded still half asleep.

He wrapped his arm around Alex and pulled him much more closer leaving no negative space between them. Kellan's fingers began to caress Alex's spine creating heat and comfort. His eyes fluttered close as he felt himself slipping into slumber. Didn't last long because Kellan had other plans on his mind.

Kellan wrapped his arm around Alex's waist lifting him easily off his side and placing him right on top of him. There was a pout forming on his lips, he wanted sleep. Kellan only wanted him. He rid Alex of his shirt, he sat up attacking Alex below his neck, sucking and biting on him creating a fit of dark marks.

Alex threw his arms around his lover's neck immediately encouraging the onslaught of passion and demand. He was more than awake now. As they moved together they created that steady friction of grinding and both men were becoming aroused. Kellan became dominant as usual, in one swift move Alex was beneath him as he towered over him.

He grabbed both Alex's hand and raised them above his head. "Leave them there." He said as an order, but his eyes were so lust-ridden and beautiful Alex wanted reach out and grab him by neck and smash his face onto his. He pouted which caused Kellan to bend down and take his lips in his. He kissed and sucked on those pouty lips until they were swollen and wanting more.

When Alex felt his tongue moving over his chest, he couldn't hold his moans anymore nor control his hips. Increasingly grinding onto Kellan. He had to grab his waist and still him unless this would end quick and that wasn't Kellan's plan. He'd plan to love Alex slowly and with his heart.

He licked every inch of Alex's chest, pleased that when his tongue finally found a nipple Alex's hands encircled around his head and had him arching up into my mouth. He had to come up with a different plan, Alex was becoming eager fast. He fondled the hard pink buds a little more before he grabbed Alex's hands and placed the back over his head.

"I thought I wasn't going to have to tie your hands, but you can't seem to obey." Kellan reached over feeling for the discarded tie that Alex had worn last night.

Alex squirmed beneath him only becoming more anxious. He tied his wrists up gently but secure enough so he wouldn't come undone. He was so on fire by now his skin burned with pure desire. He heard the sexiest whimper from Alex's mouth, almost sent him over the edge. Not yet. Not just yet.

Alex watched as Kellan devoured his body. When Kellan finally pulled off his pants with his briefs he continued his torture. Biting and licking everywhere except his throbbing very hard member. Alex couldn't bare it, squirming and moaning senselessly. He tugged at the knot of the tie around his wrists. "Kellan." He said pleadingly. Kellan only bit the corner of his waist harshly, he closed his eyes and a hiss left his lips. All the while his member was leaking pre-cum onto his stomach.

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